7-4: Nick’s Enchiladas Incorporated has preferred stock outstanding that pays a dividend of $5 at the end of each year. The preferred sells for $50 a share. What is the stock’s required rate of return?


Nick’s Enchiladas Incorporated has preferred stock outstanding that pays a dividend of $5 at the end of each year. The preferred sells for $50 a share. What is the stock’s required rate of return?


The beta coefficient for Stock C is bC = 0.4 and that for Stock D is bD = −0.5. (Stock D’s beta is negative, indicating that its rate of return rises whenever returns on most other stocks fall. There are very few negative-beta stocks, although collection agency and gold mining stocks are sometimes cited as examples.)
a. If the risk-free rate is 9% and the expected rate of return on an average stock is 13%, what are the required rates of return on Stocks C and D?

b. For Stock C, suppose the current price, P0, is $25; the next expected dividend,D1, is $1.50; and the stock’s expected constant growth rate is 4%. Is the stock in equilibrium? Explain, and describe what would happen if the stock were not in equilibrium.

Chapter 8 Problem 8-4, 8-5, 8-6


The current price of a stock is $33, and the annual risk-free rate is 6%. A call option with a strike price of $32 and with 1 year until expiration has a current value of $6.56. What is the value of a put option written on the stock with the same exercise price and expiration date as the call option?


Use the Black-Scholes Model to find the price for a call option with the following inputs: (1) current stock price is $30, (2) strike price is $35, (3) time to expiration is 4 months, (4) annualized risk-free rate is 5%, and (5) variance of stock return is 0.25.


The current price of a stock is $20. In 1 year, the price will be either $26 or $16. The annual risk-free rate is 5%. Find the price of a call option on the stock that has a strike price of $21 and that expires in 1 year. (Hint: Use daily compounding.)

Chapter 9 Problem 9-3, 9-8, 9-13


Duggins Veterinary Supplies can issue perpetual preferred stock at a price of $50 a share with an annual dividend of $4.50 a share. Ignoring flotation costs, what is the company’s cost of preferred stock, rps?


David Ortiz Motors has a target capital structure of 40% debt and 60% equity. The yield to maturity on the company’s outstanding bonds is 9%, and the company’s tax rate is 40%. Ortiz’s CFO has calculated the company’s WACC as 9.96%. What is the company’s cost of equity capital?


Messman Manufacturing will issue common stock to the public for $30. The expected dividend and the growth in dividends are $3.00 per share and 5%, respectively. If the flotation cost is 10% of the issue’s gross proceeds, what is the cost of external equity, re?

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