Body systems work with each other in highly related ways. They perform functions that no one system could do alone. Which “Principle of Life” summarizes these facts?

Body systems work with each other in highly related ways. They perform functions that no one system could do alone. Which “Principle of Life” summarizes these facts?

· Question 1

1.6 out of 1.6 points

Body systems work with each other in highly related ways. They perform functions that no one system could do alone. Which “Principle of Life” summarizes these facts?

Selected Answer:

Life is Internally Integrated.

· Question 2

0 out of 1.6 points

Which of the following principles of life describes a fundamental requirement for the growth of an organism:

Selected Answer:

Life is Finite.

· Question 3

0 out of 1.6 points

Plants and Animals are examples of major groups or organisms within a

Selected Answer:

three domain system.

· Question 4

1.6 out of 1.6 points

Which of the following is not a major group of organisms within a six-Kingdom classification system?

Selected Answer:


· Question 5

0 out of 1.6 points

Which of the following principles of life describes a fundamental requirement for the growth of an organism:

Selected Answer:

Life is Finite.

· Question 6

1.6 out of 1.6 points

In living organisms, cells of a similar kind are typically collected together and organized into

Selected Answer:


· Question 7

1.6 out of 1.6 points

Which of the following sequences of terms moves neatly and sequentially from less complex to more complex?

Selected Answer:

individual – population – community – ecosystem

· Question 8

0 out of 1.6 points

Which of the following is not a “Principle of Life” on which this course in BIOL 101 is based?

Selected Answer:

Life is Diverse.

· Question 9

1.6 out of 1.6 points

“A mouse runs because natural selection happens to have given it feet.” This statement would be made by

Selected Answer:

a naturalist/evolutionist.

· Question 10

0 out of 1.6 points

A source of information and a source of energy are required in order for an organism to

Selected Answer:

b) and c)

· Question 11

0 out of 1.6 points

Which of the following is one of our “Principles of life” in this course?

Selected Answer:

Life is Multicellular.

· Question 12

1.6 out of 1.6 points

Your mouth, an alpine valley or a swamp are all examples of ecosystems. All ecosystems on the earth taken together are called

Selected Answer:

the biosphere.

· Question 13

1.6 out of 1.6 points

A macro-molecular structure in the cell is composed of

Selected Answer:


· Question 14

0 out of 1.6 points

The Bible implies that biological life is significant because

Selected Answer:

it was created in six consecutive days with man created on the seventh day.

· Question 15

1.6 out of 1.6 points

Those serious scholars who are most inclined to see teleology in nature are those who argue that

Selected Answer:

b) and c)

· Question 16

1.6 out of 1.6 points

A sociologist uses the word “community” to refer to a collection of different sorts of people; a biologist uses the same term to refer to a collection of different

Selected Answer:


· Question 17

1.6 out of 1.6 points

Which of the following is a “Principle of Life” on which this course in BIOL 101 is based?

Selected Answer:

Life is Complex.

· Question 18

0 out of 1.6 points

Which of the following is not a Biblical basis for the significance of biological life?

Selected Answer:

Living things are a clear evidence of power and wisdom of a Great Creator.

· Question 19

1.6 out of 1.6 points

Biomolecules are composed of

Selected Answer:


· Question 20

1.6 out of 1.6 points

The term “teleology” expresses the idea that behind the designs seen in nature there lies a more ultimate

Selected Answer:


· Question 21

1.6 out of 1.6 points

The term “life” cannot be defined in a biological sense because

Selected Answer:

living things are so formidably complex.

· Question 22

1.6 out of 1.6 points

The scientific method includes all except:

Selected Answer:

changing data

· Question 23

1.6 out of 1.6 points

In your textbook, one reason given for suspecting that living things are designed is that

Selected Answer:

the Bible argues that life’s glories point us to a Designer.

· Question 24

1.6 out of 1.6 points

Prayer for a cardiac patient will reduce the severity of hospital intervention during the patient’s recovery. This statement

Selected Answer:

is an hypothesis.

· Question 25

1.6 out of 1.6 points

Recall the study on prayer for heart patients described in your text. Which of the following would be the hardest thing to control for?

Selected Answer:

ensuring that individuals in the group not prayed for were not being prayed for by someone outside the study

Question 1

During the electron transfer reactions, protons (H+ ions) are pumped (moved) to one side of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. The value of this pumping is that the proton gradient is then used

Question 2

Which of the following features of glycolysis is a value to the cell?

Question 3

DNA is stored within the ____________ of a cell in a __________ fiber called chromatin.

Question 4

Accessory pigments and chlorophylls work together within the thylakoid membrane in clusters called __________ . They harvest light energy and use it to transfer electrons to _______________.

Question 5

DNA contains two chains of nucleotides in which ______ and ______ alternate in supporting each chain structurally.

Question 6

The overall process that uptakes energypoor molecules (CO2 and H2O) from their reservoirs in nature and converts them into energyrich molecules is

Question 7

Enzymes are important because they

Question 8

Light dependent reactions of photosynthesis produce

Question 9

If the final end product of a metabolic pathway is continually removed and used elsewhere then

Question 10

Autotrophic organisms are supportive of man. They

Question 11

The wavelengths of light used in photosynthesis are found in the _________ portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Question 12

Which of the following phrases best describes the role of NADPH in photosynthesis?

Question 13

The immediate source of electrons for electron transfer phosphorylation is

Question 14

The value of the three stages of aerobic respiration is their ability to break down glucose, a single molecule, with the resultant production of about

Question 15

Biological information must exist because

Question 16

Which of the following is neither a reactant nor a product of glycolysis?

Question 17

Energyreleasing reactions drive biosynthetic ones forward by contributing to a pool of

Question 18

The physicist’s definition of energy is _______________ for use in defining energy changes within a living cell.

Question 19

The activation energy of a reaction can be lowered if the reaction is catalyzed by

Question 20

Photosynthesis and respiration are complementing processes within a global cycle known as the

Question 21

The (gene)tic information in a single strand of DNA is found in

Question 22

The process of __________ can be defined as about 30 individual, sequential chemical reactions that form three metabolic pathways: one in the cytoplasm and two within the mitochondrion.

Question 23

Plants are considered autotrophic because their cells contain

Question 24

Energy supplied to break bonds in reactant molecules is known as

Question 25

_________ is a reactant in the process of aerobic respiration and _______ is a product of the same process.

Question 1

In healthy cells, the normal function of the activated Ras protein is to

Question 2

The two major problems that transcription solves for the cell are

Question 3

There are more than four kinds of amino acids in proteins. Each kind of amino acid must be coded for in mRNA. Thus, a short sequence of mRNA bases called a(n) _________ is used to code for each amino acid in the translation process.

Question 4

Which of the following phrases best describes the role of mRNA in gene expression?

Question 5

The “S” phase of the cell cycle represents the activity of

Question 6

_____________ is a disease state characterized by cells that divide uncontrollably and no longer respect their confinement within their tissue of origin.

Question 7

Animal development and automobile development differ in that

Question 8

The ______________ is a highly differentiated brain structure that is too specialized to be considered an “early brain region”.

Question 9

Why is the word “translation” used for protein production? Protein production is the process of

Question 10

Heart rate and respiratory inhalation rate functions in the mature human adult are controlled by the

Question 11

In the translation process, tRNA molecules are also called “adapter” molecules. Why? What is their function?

Question 12

The ________________ is often represented as a chart in which a specific sequence of bases in mRNA (a codon) is used to represent each amino acid building block found in the world of proteins.

Question 13

The nuclear membrane of the cell disintegrates during which phase of the cell cycle?

Question 14

When DNA is replicated, the two strands are first separated through _________; each strand then becomes a _________ against which two new strands are made.

Question 15

Life perpetuates itself at the cellular level

Question 16

The brain most directly interacts with and controls

Question 17

When the organism expresses a set of genes, the result is the characteristics of that organism. These characteristics are called its

Question 18

Moving ahead with cell division is controlled by the interaction of

Question 19

A dominant control over the endocrine system in mature human adults is exerted by the

Question 20

Which of the following is not a recognized organ system within the human body?

Question 21

Genes that normally direct the inhibition of cell division regulatory pathways are called

Question 22

Which of the following is a part of the overall processing of mRNA in the cell nucleus?

Question 23

The mitotic stage of metaphase is most clearly defined by

Question 24

Which of the following is tRNA’s role in translation?

Question 25

The term “transcription” means the process of

What is the name of a contractile unit of a muscle?

The nervous system interacts with the ___________ system to coordinate the internal integration of all the other body systems together.

Cranial and spinal nerves of the peripheral nervous system serve

Which structure within the brain has the role of generating emotions?

Which is not a sign or symptom of inflammation?

When a vaccine is given to a person with a healthy immune system, the result is

The calcium­binding protein in smooth muscle is _______; while the calcium­binding protein in skeletal muscle is ______.

The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and of nutrients and cell wastes occurs principally in the

Macrophages seek out foreign invaders in the ______________, while neutrophils, at least initially are on patrol in the ___________

Which of the following brain regions and their functions are improperly matched?

The role of the hepatic portal system is to:

The structure of a human neuron is made up of a

While waiting for a signal to contract, a muscle cell membrane maintains a slightly higher positive charge on the _______ only because ________ are available to generate this difference.

All of the following are systems of the body except the:

The role of the ___________ branch of the autonomic nervous system mediates control of organ processes when the body is essentially ______.

The function of the urethra is to

Fluoxetine HCl affects synapses by

The function of the kidney is

Systolic blood pressure:

Which of the following is a type of neuron that receives a stimulus and transmits it to the central nervous system?

Vaccination works because

The function of the ureter is to

The structure of a human neuron uniquely and perfectly fits it for its signal­carrying role. The neuron is

In the basic structure of the human heart, blood first flows through the right atrium, then it travels to the:

The efferent or motor branch of the peripheral nervous system is subdivided into the ______ (voluntary) and ____________ (involuntary) nervous systems.

Question 1

A relationship between individuals of two species in which members of one species are benefited and members of the other species are unaffected is termed

Question 2

A fallen, decaying created order still needs to be stewarded carefully because

Question 3

At which of the following levels of organization can the Peaks of Otter salamander be studied?

Question 4

Your textbook describes two sequential _________ of interaction between organisms and their environments that have existed since God’s creative work began.

Question 5

From the Family level upwards toward higher levels of classification, which of the following choices gives the correct order?

Question 6

The state of flux in which modern systematic groupings exists is shown by the fact that the largest category in some groupings is the “Kingdom” while in others it is the

Question 7

The diatom, Ellerbeckia arenaria belongs to the large “Group” Stramenopiles because it

Question 8

Young Balanus barnacles cannot compete with Chthamalus barnacles in higher intertidal regions because

Question 9

The convention used for representing scientific names for newly discovered species is that ___________ root words are used in order to name the organism’s ___________.

Question 10

The large eukaryote, Pisum sativum belongs to the large “Group” Plants because it

Question 11

All members of species Escherichia coli belong to the large “Group” known as

Question 12

The large eukaryote, Zonotrichia leucophrys belongs to the large “Group” Opisthokonta because it

Question 13

The microbe, Euglena gracilis belongs to the large “Group” Discicristates because it

Question 14

A Genus of organisms differs from a species of organisms in what way? The Genus group

Question 15

When a species of fly has a bold coloration very similar to that of an unpalatable (stinging) Yellowjacket, the fly’s “strategy” is termed

Question 16

An area providing cool, moist conditions with rocks and decaying logs at an appropriate elevation and rainfall level constitutes a good ________ for the Peaks of Otter salamander.

Question 17

Baleen whales use _______ to prey on herring fish.

Question 18

The microbe, Paramecium aurelium belongs to the large “Group” Alveolata because it

Question 19

The phytoplankton of a lake would be found in highest numbers in the ________ zone.

Question 20

Seeking to scientifically name each variety of lifeform we find and relate it to other similar species is a discipline known as

Question 21

An evolutionary theorist believes that large groups of organisms are related to each other by _________ while a design theorist believes that such groups are related to each other in _________ .

Question 22

The functional role of a species within its habitat is referred to as its

Question 23

The microbe, Pyrodictium occultum belongs to the large “Group” Archaea because it

Question 24

Which of the following is a problem that confounds attempts to organize the entire living world for study?

Question 25

Which of the following is a problem that confounds attempts to organize the entire living world for study?

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