Why has morally proscribed behavior—such as masturbation—often been seen to have dangerous health consequences?

Why has morally proscribed behavior—such as masturbation—often been seen to have dangerous health consequences?

This is literally just a discussion. It has no word limit and is based off of opinion. Answers will vary between 50 words or more but it doesn’t have to be a lot just get the point across. Each powerpoint is to help answer or you can google.

Week 1 Forum

Discussion Question 1.1

Gender/Sexual Orientation/Biological Sex.
Discuss the differences among gender, sexual orientation, and biological sex. This is important because some people mistakenly believe that homosexuality is a form of gender confusion or that gay men or lesbians want to be the other sex. Some believe that gay men are “feminine” and lesbians “masculine,” mistakenly confusing gender and orientation issues.Provide evidence or reasoning to support your particular perspective.

Week 2 Forum

Discussion Question 2.1.

Theory : Havelock Ellis argued against nineteenth-century beliefs that masturbation had no ill health effects. Why has morally proscribed behavior—such as masturbation—often been seen to have dangerous health consequences? Today some continue to link morally proscribed behavior to negative health consequences, such as homosexuality and AIDS. From a public health point of view, what are the consequences of viewing health problems as moral problems? Provide evidence or reasoning to support your particular perspective. Which theoretical perspective, as described in Chapter 2, closely represents your view?

Discussion Question 2.2.

Gay/Lesbian Research. Discuss why current gay/lesbian research has moved away from the “origins” of homosexuality. What are the methodological and political limits on conducting research on homosexuality?

Week 3 Forum
Discussion 3.1

Uncovering the Breasts in Public.

Periodically women complain about laws requiring them to cover their breasts in public, whereas men are not so required. Occasionally women protest such laws, go in public with their breasts uncovered, and are arrested. What is the justification for such laws? Are they discriminatory against women? Explain.

Week 4 Forum

Discussion 4.1

Penis Size.
Discuss cross-cultural concern about or interest in penis size. What different meanings may large or gigantic penises signify? Slides of art from ancient Rome, Japan, and Mesoamerica, as well as contemporary erotic art (as illustrated in Chapter 4), may be used to illustrate the point. What are some myths about penis size? How does the stereotype of black and Latino men having large penises reinforce ethnic stereotypes?

Week 5 Forum
What have you learned about development of gender stereotypes and about sex differences in self-esteem that helps explain why women’s progress in entering male-dominated professions has been slow? (Use examples in Ch 5 to help answer question).

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