Which of these discusses genotypes rather than phenotypes.

Question 1
Select one answer.
10 points
Which of these discusses genotypes rather than phenotypes.
1. The offspring of these flowers can be either red or white.
2. The male mouse is homozygous dominant.
3. Lactose intolerance can be due to a missing protein (the enzyme that digests lactose).
4. All of these discuss genotypes
Question 2
Select one answer.
10 points
Alleles are different versions of a _______________.
1. phenotype
2. chromosome
3. gene
4. genotype
Question 3
Select one answer.
10 points
Which of the following is true of a diploid organism?
1. It has two of each gene.
2. It has two of each chromosome.
3. It has two alleles of each gene.
4. All of the above.
5. None of the above.
Question 4
Select one answer.
10 points
The sister chromatids separate during which stage of meiosis?
1. Anaphase I
2. Anaphase II
3. Prophase I
4. Prophase II
Question 5
Select one answer.
10 points
The next three questions are based on the following information.
In humans, the ability to roll the tongue (T) is dominant over the inability to do so (t). Suppose Mike, who can roll his tongue, and Jeannie, who cannot roll her tongue, have a child, Benjamin.
Part 1 of 3: If Mike’s mother was able to roll her tongue but his father was not able to roll his, then what is the probability that Benjamin will be able to roll his tongue?
1. 100%
2. 75%
3. 50%
4. 0%
Question 6
Select one answer.
10 points
Part 2 of 3: What is the probability that Benjamin will be homozygous recessive?
1. 50%
2. 0%
3. 75%
4. 100%
Question 7
Select one answer.
10 points
Part 3 of 3: What is the probability that Benjamin will be homozygous dominant?
1. 0%
2. 50%
3. 100%
4. 75%
Question 8
Select one answer.
10 points
How many different gametes are produced by a cell with the genotype AABb?
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
Question 9
Select one answer.
10 points
Describe the importance of independent assortment: ________________________.
1. will assort independently of each other
2. will sort to the same gamete
3. are called alleles
4. All of these are true
Question 10
Select one answer.
10 points
Homozygous is a term that can describe a(n) _____________.
1. allele
2. heterozygous
3. genotype
4. phenotype

Question 11
Select one answer.
10 points
Red flower color is incompletely dominant over white flower color. If a red flower is crossed with a pink flower, what percentage of the offspring will be pink?
1. 100%
2. 75%
3. 50%
4. 25%
Question 12
Select one answer.
10 points
Use the following information to answer the next three questions.
In humans, there are three alleles for blood type: A, B, and O. A and B are codominant over O. Suppose Jim, a man with type A blood, and Leah, a woman with type B blood, have a child, Winnie. Jim’s parents both have blood type AB. Leah’s mother has type B, and her father has type O.
Part 1 of 3: What is the probability that Winnie’s blood type will be AB?
1. 100%
2. 75%
3. 50%
4. 25%
5. 0%
Question 13
Select one answer.
10 points
Part 2 of 3:What is the chance that Winnie’s blood type will be A?
1. 100%
2. 75%
3. 50%
4. 25%
5. 0%
Question 14
Select one answer.
10 points
Part 3 of 3:What is the chance that Winnie’s blood type will be B?
1. 100%
2. 75%
3. 50%
4. 25%
5. 0%
Question 15
Select one answer.
10 points
Use the following information to answer the next three questions.
In dogs, colored fur, E, is dominant over colorless fur, e. Black fur color, B, is dominant over brown fur color, b. The E gene is epistatic to the B gene. Suppose a yellow male dog is mated with a black female. The male’s parents were both brown. The female’s mother was yellow, and her father was brown.
Part 1 of 3: What percentage of the puppies will be yellow?
1. 100%
2. 75%
3. 50%
4. 25%
5. 0%
Question 16
Select one answer.
10 points
Part 2 of 3: What percentage of the puppies will be black?
1. 100%
2. 75%
3. 50%
4. 25%
5. 0%
Question 17
Select one answer.
10 points
Part 3 of 3: What percentage of the puppies will be brown?
1. 100%
2. 75%
3. 50%
4. 25%
5. 0%
Question 18
Select one answer.
10 points
Human height is affected by ______________.
1. genetics only
2. the environment only
3. genetics and the environment

Question 19

Select one answer.
10 points
A genetic disorder that is sex-linked cannot also be ___________________.
1. autosomal
2. recessive
3. dominant
4. all of these are possible
Question 20
Select one answer.
10 points
In humans, how many alleles of genes found on the X chromosome do male have?
1. 0
2. 1
3. 2
4. 4
Question 21

Select one answer.
10 points
Nondisjunction in meiosis I results in
1. two cells missing a chromosome and two healthy cells.
2. two cells missing a chromosome and two cells with an additional chromosome
3. one cell missing a chromosome, one cell with missing a chromosome and two healthy cells.
4. two cells with an additional chromosome and two healthy cells
Question 22

Select one answer.
10 points
Sickle cell anemia is an autosomal recessive disorder. A person with the disorder and a person that is a carrier mate. (A carrier has the allele for the trait but does not express it.)
What is the chance that their offspring will develop sickle cell anemia?
1. 100%
2. 75%
3. 50%
4. 25%
Question 23

Select one answer.
10 points
The sex of the offspring is determined by _____________.
1. the mother only
2. the father only
3. both the mother and the father
Question 24

Select one answer.
10 points
According to the pedigree below, this trait is ____________________.

1. Sex-linked recessive
2. autosomal dominant
3. Sex-linked dominant
4. autosomal recessive
Question 25

Select one answer.
10 points
What is the genotype of the unshaded individuals in the pedigree below?

1. Either AA or Aa
2. Aa
3. aa
4. AA
Question 26

Select one answer.
10 points
Nondisjunction in meiosis II results in: ______________________
1. Two cells missing a chromosome and two cells with an additional chromosome.
2. One cell missing a chromosome, one cell with missing a chromosome and two healthy cells.
3. Two cells missing a chromosome and two healthy cells.
4. Two cells with an additional chromosome and two healthy cells

Select one answer.
10 points
In humans, the condition for normal blood clotting (H) is dominant to hemophilia (h). A male who has normal blood clotting mates with a woman who is a carrier. If they have a son, what is the probability that he will have this condition?
1. 0%
2. 75%
3. 100%
4. 50%
Question 28
Select one answer.
10 points
In humans females are
1. XY
2. XX
3. YY
4. none of these
Question 29

Select one answer.
10 points
In humans, the condition for normal blood clotting (H) is dominant to hemophilia (h). A male who has normal blood clotting mates with a woman who is a carrier. If they have a daugher, what is the probability that she will have this condition?
1. 75%
2. 50%
3. 100%
4. 0%
Question 30

Select one answer.
10 points
A single visible trait that results from more than one gene is called:
1. genotypic
2. phenotypic
3. pleiotropic
4. polygenic
Question 31

Select one answer.
10 points
An individual that expresses the recessive trait of a dominant/recessive gene
1. must be homozygous
2. must be heterozygous
3. can be either homozygous or heterozygous
Question 32

Select one answer.
10 points
In humans tongue rolling (T) is dominant to non-rolling (t). Two heterozygous individuals have a child. What is the probability that their child will be able to roll its tongue?
1. 0%
2. 50%
3. 75%
4. 100%
Question 33

Select one answer.
10 points
Use the following information to answer the following four questions.
In dogs, colored fur (E) is dominant to un-colored fur (e). Black fur color (B) is dominant to brown fur color (b). The E gene is epistatic to the B gene. A yellow male dog is mated to a black female. The male’s parents were both brown dogs. The female’s mother was yellow, and her father was brown.
Q1 of 4: What is the genotype of the male dog in this example?
1. eebb
2. ee
3. eeBb
4. eeBB
Question 34

Select one answer.
10 points
Q2 of 4: What is the genotype of the female dog in this example?
2. EEBb
3. EeBB
4. EeBb
Question 35

Select one answer.
10 points
Q3 of 4: What percentage of their puppies will be yellow?
1. 100%
2. 75%
3. 50%
4. 25%
Question 36

Select one answer.
10 points
Q4 of 4: What percentage of the puppies will be homozygous for the B gene?
1. 100%
2. 75%
3. 50%
4. 25%
Question 37

Select one answer.
10 points
This individual studied peas and is often considered the father of genetics.
1. Carl Sagan
2. Gregor Mendel
3. James Watson
4. Charles Darwin
Question 38

Select one answer.
10 points
Huntington’s disease is an autosomal dominant disorder. A person with the disorder and a person without the disorder mate. Both of these individuals are homozygous. What is the chance that the offspring will develop Huntington’s?
1. 100%
2. 75%
3. 50%
4. 25%
Question 39

Select one answer.
10 points
Sex-linked disorders
1. are always dominant
2. are always recessive
3. can be either dominant or recessive
4. are neither dominant nor recessive
Question 40

Select one answer.
10 points
Hydrangeas are blue in acidic soil with available aluminum, and they are pink in alkaline soil without available aluminum, but they cannot be orange under any soil condition. The color of hydrangeas is affect by
1. genetics only
2. the environment only
3. genetics and the environment
Question 41

Select one answer.
10 points
A haploid organism has how many copies of each chromosome?
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
Question 42

Select one answer.
10 points
How many copies of each gene does a diploid organism have?
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
Question 43

Select one answer.
10 points
Red (R) flower color is incompletely dominant to white (r) flower color. Which cross will produce 100% pink flowers?
1. Pink x Pink
2. Red x White
3. White x White
4. Red x Red
Question 44

Select one answer.
10 points
Genotypes provide information about: ______________.
1. Proteins
2. DNA
3. Lipids
4. Carbohydrates

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