1. A net force of 2000N act on a rocket of mass 1000. kg. How long must the force be applied in order to increase the rockets velocity from 10.0 m/s to 200.0 m/s.

1. A net force of 2000N act on a rocket of mass 1000. kg. How long must the force be applied in order to increase the rockets velocity from 10.0 m/s to 200.0 m/s.
2. Marble A, mass 5.0 g, moves at a speed of 20.0cm/s. It collides with a second marble, B, mass 10.0 g, moving at 10.0cm/s in the same direction. After collision, marble A continues with a speed of 8.0 cm/s in th same direction. (a) calculate the marbles’ momenta before the collision 9b0 calculate the speed of marble B after the collision.
3. a 35.0 g bullet moving at 475 m/s strikes a 2.5 kg wooden block. the bullet pases through the block leaving at 275 m/s. if the block was originally at rest, with what veolicty is the block moving after the bullet leaves?
4. a 40.0 kg projectile leaves a 2000. kg launcher with a velocity of 800 m/s. what is the recoil velocity of the launcher?
5. upon launching, a model rocket expels 50.0 g of fuel from its exhaust at an average velocity of 600.0 m/s. if the rocket moves upward at 7.5 m/s what is teh mass of the rocket?
6. if a 2 kg object going 4m/s feels teh impulse indicated in the graph above, claculate its final velocity.
7.Blauc Hed carries a box up the stairs. How many times more work is required to carry the block up the stairs that are 3 times as high.? Explain.
8. if the box weighs 3 times as much then how much more work is required for Blauc to carry it up the stairs. Explain.
9 in orde to double the power of someone carrying the box up the stairs, their time must be…(answer)
10. Tommy runs up the stairs (4.6 m) carrying a box that is 55 kg in 3.5 sec. Timmy carries a box with the same mass but runs up the same set of stairs in 3 sec. (a) who did more work? explain (b) who is more powerful? explain.
11. Liki Fat Set pushes a 5 kg object with a force of 10 N along a frictionless surface a distance of 10 m in 3 sec. (A) write the conservation of energy equation (B) calculate your work done on the block. (C) calculate final velocity of the block. (D) calculate Liki’s power.

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