1- The earth spins on its axis once a day and orbits the sun once a year (365.24 days). Take the positive direction for the angular displacement to be the direction of the earth's motion. (a) Determine the average angular velocity of the earth as it spins on its axis.

1- The earth spins on its axis once a day and orbits the sun once a year (365.24 days). Take the positive direction for the angular displacement to be the direction of the earth’s motion.
(a) Determine the average angular velocity of the earth as it spins on its axis. rad/s (b) Determine its angular velocity as it revolves around the sun. rad/s
2- A pitcher throws a curveball that reaches the catcher in 0.69 s. The ball curves because it is spinning at an average angular velocity of 335 rev/min (assumed constant) on its way to the catcher’s mitt. What is the angular displacement of the baseball (in radians) as it travels from the pitcher to the catcher? radians
3- An electric circular saw is designed to reach its final angular speed, starting from rest, in 1.54 s. Its average angular acceleration is 360 rad/s2. Obtain its final angular speed. rad/s
4- The angular speed of the rotor in a centrifuge increases from 408 to 1417 rad/s in a time of 5.50 s.
(a) Obtain the angle through which the rotor turns. rad (b) What is the magnitude of the angular acceleration? rad/s2
5- A wind turbine is initially spinning at a constant angular speed. As the wind’s strength gradually increases, the turbine experiences a constant angular acceleration of 0.110 rad/s2. After making 2852 revolutions, its angular speed is 136 rad/s.
(a) What is the initial angular velocity of the turbine? rad/s (b) How much time elapses while the turbine is speeding up? s

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