A 30.0g arrow is shot by william tell through an 8.00cm thick apple sitting on top of his son's head. If the arrow enters the apple at 30.0 m/s and emerges at 25. m/s in the same direct, with what force has the apple resisted the arrow?

A 30.0g arrow is shot by william tell through an 8.00cm thick apple sitting on top of his son’s head. If the arrow enters the apple at 30.0 m/s and emerges at 25. m/s in the same direct, with what force has the apple resisted the arrow?
A workman on the scaffolding outside one of the science classrooms drops a wrench. A physics student, bored with the lesson, times it as it falls past the classroom window. She found that it took 0.6s to fall past the 2m tall window. Calculate the spanner’s initial velocity as it appears at the top of the window.
A 3.0-kg and a 5.0-kg box rest side-by-side on a smooth, level floor. A horizontal force of 32 N is applied to the 5.0-kg box pushing it against the 3.0-kg box, and, as a result, both boxes slide along the floor. How hard do the two boxes push against each other?

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