5. Before the time of Galileo and Newton, it was thought by many learned scholars that a stone dropped from the top of a tall mast on a moving ship would fall vertically and hit the deck behind the mast by a distance equal to how far the ship had moved forward while the stone was falling. In light of your understanding of Newton’s laws, what do you think about this idea?

5. Before the time of Galileo and Newton, it was thought by many learned scholars that a stone dropped from the top of a tall mast on a moving ship would fall vertically and hit the deck behind the mast by a distance equal to how far the ship had moved forward while the stone was falling. In light of your understanding of Newton’s laws, what do you think about this idea?
11. A common saying goes, “Its not the fall that hurts you: it’s the sudden stop.” Translate this into Newton’s laws of motion.
13. If you drop an object, its acceleration toward the ground is 10 m/s square. If you throw it down instead, would its acceleration after throwing be greater than 10 m/s sq? Ignore air resistance. Why or why not?
17. You hold an apple over your head.
a. Identify all the forces acting on the apple and their reaction forces.
b. When you drop the apple, identify all the forces acting on it as it falls and the corresponding reaction forces.
27. If a Mack truck and motorcycle have a head-on collision, upon which vehicle is the impact force greater? Which vehicle undergoes the greater change in its motion? Explain your answers.
34. Free fall is motion in which gravity is the only force acting.
a. Is a skydiver who has reached terminal speed in free fall?
b. Is a satellite circling Earth above the atmosphere in free fall?
39. Which is more likely to break, the ropes supporting a hammock stretched tightly between a pair of trees or one that sags more when you sit on it? Defend your answer.

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