1. A person claiming to have paranormal powers states that she can predict which card will come up next in a shuffled deck of cards simply by exercising her mental powers. Is this a testable claim? Explain.

1. A person claiming to have paranormal powers states that she can predict which card will come up next in a shuffled deck of cards simply by exercising her mental powers. Is this a testable claim? Explain.
2.What are the primary advantages of the metric system of units over the older English system of units? Explain.
3. A pirate map indicates that a treasure is buried 50 paces due east and 120 paces due north of a big rock. Will you know where to dig? Explain.
4. A man uses his hand to measure the width of a tabletop. If his hand has a width of 12 cm at its widest point, and he finds the tabletop to be 10.5 hands wide, what is the width of the tabletop in cm? In meters?
5. A common speed limit in Vancouver, British Columbia, is 80 km/hr. If you are going 55 MPH, are you speeding? Show by converting 55 MPH to km/h using the conversion factors on the inside front cover.
6. A tortoise and a hare cover the same distance in a race. The hare goes very fast for brief intervals, but stops frequently, whereas the tortoise plods along steadily and finishes the race ahead of the hare.
a. Which of the two racers has the greater average speed over the duration of the race? Explain.
b. Which of the two racers is likely to reach the greatest instantaneous speed during the race? Explain.
7. A car traveling with constant speed rounds a curve in the highway. Is the acceleration of the car equal to zero in this situation? Explain.
8. In the graph shown here, velocity is plotted as a function of time for an object traveling in a straight line.
a. Is the velocity constant for any time interval shown? Explain.
b. b. During which time interval shown does the object have the greatest acceleration. Explain.
9. Suppose that two runners run a 100-meter dash, but the first runner reaches maximum speed more quickly than the second runner. Both runners maintain constant speed once they have reached their maximum speed and cross the finish line at the same time. Which runner has the larger maximum speed? Explain.
10. A car travels with an average speed of 22 m/s.
a. What is this speed in km/s?
b.b. What is this speed in km/h?
11. A runner traveling with an initial velocity of 2.0 m/s accelerates at a constant rate of 1.2 m/s2 for a time of 2 seconds.
a. What is his velocity at the end of this time?
b. What distance does the runner cover during this process?
12. Starting from rest, a car accelerates at a constant rate of 3.0 m/s2 for a time of 5 seconds.
a. Compute the velocity of the car at 1 s, 2 s, 3 s, 4 s, and 5 s and plot these velocity values against time.
b. b. Compute the distance traveled by the car for these same time and plot the distance values against time.

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