Exercise 5.13 On September 8, 2004, the Genesis spacecraft crashed in the Utah desert because its parachute did not open. The 210-kg capsule hit the ground at 311 km/h and penetrated the soil to a depth of 81.0 cm. Part D What force did the ground exert on the capsule during the crash? Express the force as a multiple of the capsule's weight.

Exercise 5.13
On September 8, 2004, the Genesis spacecraft crashed in the Utah desert because its parachute did not open. The 210-kg capsule hit the ground at 311 km/h and penetrated the soil to a depth of 81.0 cm.
Part D
What force did the ground exert on the capsule during the crash? Express the force as a multiple of the capsule’s weight.
Exercise 5.31
You are lowering two boxes, one on top of the other, down the ramp shown in the figure (Figure 1) by pulling on a rope parallel to the surface of the ramp. Both boxes move together at a constant speed of 12.0cm/s . The coefficient of kinetic friction between the ramp and the lower box is 0.500, and the coefficient of static friction between the two boxes is 0.783.
Part A
What force do you need to exert to accomplish this?
T =
Exercise 5.54
A bowling ball weighing 70.6N is attached to the ceiling by a rope of length 3.81m . The ball is pulled to one side and released; it then swings back and forth as a pendulum. As the rope swings through the vertical, the speed of the bowling ball is 4.30m/s .
Part A
What is the acceleration of the bowling ball, in magnitude and direction, at this instant?
Part B
What is the tension in the rope at this instant?
Problem 5.72
Block A in the figure (Figure 1) weighs 68.2N . The coefficient of static friction between the block and the surface on which it rests is 0.29. The weight w is 10.1N and the system is in equilibrium.
Exercise 6.5
A 75.0-kg painter climbs a ladder that is 2.71mlong leaning against a vertical wall. The ladder makes an 26.0∘ angle with the wall.
Part A
How much work does gravity do on the painter?
W =
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Part B
Does the answer to part A depend on whether the painter climbs at constant speed or accelerates up the ladder?
Does the answer to part A depend on whether the painter climbs at constant speed or accelerates up the ladder?
Exercise 6.8
A loaded grocery cart is rolling across a parking lot in a strong wind. You apply a constant force F⃗ =( 29N )i^−( 35N )j^ to the cart as it undergoes a displacement s⃗ =(− 8.8m )i^−(3.7m )j^.
Part A
How much work does the force you apply do on the grocery cart?
Express your answer using three significant figures.
Exercise 6.14
A 1.50kg book is sliding along a rough horizontal surface. At point A it is moving at 3.21m/s , and at point B it has slowed to 1.25m/s .
Part A
How much work was done on the book between A and B?
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Part B
If -0.750J of work is done on the book from B to C, how fast is it moving at point C?
vC =
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Part C
How fast would it be moving at C if 0.750J of work were done on it from B to C?
vC =
Exercise 6.20
You throw a 20-N rock vertically into the air from ground level. You observe that when it is a height 16.0m above the ground, it is traveling at a speed of 25.9m/s upward.
Part A
Use the work-energy theorem to find its speed just as it left the ground.
v0 =
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Part B
Use the work-energy theorem to find its maximum height.
h =
Exercise 6.52
A 20.0-kg rock is sliding on a rough, horizontal surface at 8.00 m/s and eventually stops due to friction. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the rock and the surface is 0.200.
Part A
What average thermal power is produced as the rock stops?
P =
Exercise 6.37
A 5.0-kg box moving at 4.0m/s on a horizontal, frictionless surface runs into a light spring of force constant 50N/cm .
Part A
Use the work-energy theorem to find the maximum compression of the spring.
Express your answer using two significant figures.
x =
Problem 6.77
A block of ice with mass 6.30kg is initially at rest on a frictionless, horizontal surface. A worker then applies a horizontal force F⃗ to it. As a result, the block moves along the x-axis such that its position as a function of time is given by x(t)=αt2+βt3, where α = 0.200m/s2 and β= 2.09×10−2m/s3 .
Part A
Calculate the velocity of the object at time t = 3.60s .
Express your answer to three significant figures.
v =
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Part B
Calculate the magnitude of F⃗ at time t = 3.60s .
Express your answer to three significant figures.
F =
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Part C
Calculate the work done by the force F⃗ during the first time interval of 3.60s of the motion.
Express your answer to three significant figures.
W =

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