What is the SI unit for density? The density of blood is 1.05 kg/m3, find the mass of a bag of blood for a transfusion, if the volume is 2.0 m3. The density of oxygen is 1.43 x 10 -3 kg/m3. If a canister of oxygen has a mass of 0.2 kg, find the volume. Using the bone density of 2.0 kg/m3, calculate the mass of an adult femur bone that has a volume of 0.00027 m3. What does psi stand for in units dealing with pressure?

What is the SI unit for density?
The density of blood is 1.05 kg/m3, find the mass of a bag of blood for a transfusion, if the volume is 2.0 m3.
The density of oxygen is 1.43 x 10 -3 kg/m3. If a canister of oxygen has a mass of 0.2 kg, find the volume.
Using the bone density of 2.0 kg/m3, calculate the mass of an adult femur bone that has a volume of 0.00027 m3.
What does psi stand for in units dealing with pressure?
What are the typical units for measuring blood pressure?
Find the pressure if a force of 2 N is applied to an area of 0.0004 m2.
Chapter 13
What is the freezing point of water in K, oF, and oC?
What is the boiling point of water in K, oF, and oC?
Convert 45 oC to Fahrenheit.
Convert 92 o F to Celsius.
Convert 35 oC to Kelvin.
Convert 87 o F to Kelvin.
Convert 200 K to Celsius.
Calculate the change in length on a copper (Coefficient of linear expansion for copper is 17 * 10-6 / oC) rod that is 25 meters that undergoes a temperature change of 15 o
Calculate the change in length of a concrete sidewalk (Coefficient of linear expansion for concrete is 12 * 10-6/ oC) that is 150 meters that undergoes a temperature change of 30 o
Calculate the change in length of a Pyrex glass dish (Coefficient of linear expansion for Pyrex is 3 * 10-6 /oC) that is 0.3 meters that undergoes a temperature change of 250 o
PV=NkT is what law?
Define mole and Avogadro’s number.
Chapter 14
Food calories are actually considered what?
Define heat.
How many Joules is equivalent to a kilocalorie?
Describe and give an example of conduction in the medical field.
Describe and give an example of convection in the medical field.
Describe and give an example of radiation in the medical field.
Writing Assignment worth 45 points. APA style with 400 words or more with at least 1 reference
Density can be calculated by taking the mass of an object and dividing by the volume. How can we apply density to the Medical profession? Let’s look at bone density. Bone density is found by using a certain type of x-ray machine. It is calculated a bit differently and Cleveland Clinic has a brief article describing this test. Discuss an application of density in the Medical profession.

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