The work function of tungsten is 4.50 eV. Calculate the speed of the fastest electrons ejected from a tungsten surface when light whose photon energy is 5.62 eV shines on the surface.

51. The work function of tungsten is 4.50 eV. Calculate the speed of the fastest electrons ejected from a tungsten surface when light whose photon energy is 5.62 eV shines on the surface. (______Km/s)
52. The wavelength associated with the cutoff frequency for silver is 325 nm. Find the maximum kinetic energy of electrons ejected from a silver surface by ultraviolet light of wavelength 253 nm. (_______eV)
53. Light of wavelength 5.46 pm is directed onto a target containing free electrons. Find the wavelength of light scattered at 101° from the incident direction. The electron Compton wavelength is 2.43 x 10-12 m. (_______pm)
54. What (a) frequency, (b) photon energy, and (c) photon momentum magnitude are associated with x rays having wavelength 34.5 pm?
a. _______Hz
b. _______units
c. _______units
55. In an old-fashioned television set, electrons are accelerated through a potential difference of 24.1 kV. What is the de Broglie wavelength of such electrons? (Relativity is not needed.) (_______pm)
56. Singly charged sodium atoms are accelerated through a potential difference of 238 V. (a) What is the momentum acquired by such an ion? (b) What is its de Broglie wavelength (in pm)? The mass of a sodium ion is 3.819 x 10-26 kg.
a. _______units
b. _______pm
57. The wavelength of the yellow spectral emission line of sodium is 590 nm. At what kinetic energy would an electron have that wavelength as its de Broglie wavelength? _______microeV
58. What is the wavelength of (a) a photon with energy 9.0 eV (in nm), (b) an electron with energy 9.0 eV (in nm), (c) a photon of energy 9.0 GeV (in fm), and (d) an electron with energy 9.0 GeV (in fm)?
a. ______nm
b. _______nm
c. _______units
d. _______units
59. A particle of mass 3.1 x 10-27 kg has a potential energy of 7.5 x 10-15 J, independently of its position. If its energy is 12 x 10-15 J, what is its angular wave number? (_____units)
60. An electron in a one-dimensional infinite potential well of length L has ground-state energy E1. The length is changed to L’ so that the new ground-state energy is E1′ = 0.660E1. What is the ratio L’/L? ______

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