Q1 Determine the distance that the third bright fringe would lie from the central bisector in a single slit diffraction pattern generated with 542 nm light incident on a 1.2 x 10-4 m slit falling onto a screen 68cm away.

Q1 Determine the distance that the third bright fringe would lie from the central bisector in a single slit diffraction pattern generated with 542 nm light incident on a 1.2 x 10-4 m slit falling onto a screen 68cm away.
Q2 A special effects creator wants to generate an interference pattern on a screen 6.8m away fro a single slit. She uses 445 nm light and hopes to get the second dark fringe exactly 48 cm from the middle of the central bright maximum. What width of the slit does she require?
Q3 What is the speed of light in water if, in water,
ε = 7.10 x 10-10 C2/N.m2 and μ = 2.77 x 10-8 N/A2.
Q4 a. Determine the wavelength of an AM radio signal with a frequency of 6.40 x 106 Hz.
b. Suggest why AM radio transmitting antennas are hundreds of meters tall.
Q2. An asteroid has a long axis of 725km. A rocket passes by a parallel to the long axis at a speed of 0.250c. What will be the length of the long axis as measured by the observers in the rocket?
An electron is moving at 0.95c parallel to a meter stick. How long will the meter stick be in the electron’s frame of reference?
A neutron is measured to have a mass of 1.71 x 10-27kg when travelling at 6.00 x 107 m/s. Determine its rest mass
Find the wavelength of a jet airplane with a mass of 1.12 x 105 kg that is cruising at 891km/h.
If the work function of the material is 2.0 ev and the light of the wavelength 500nm is shone on the metal, find the kinetic energy of the electron
Alpha centuari, the closest star to earth, is 4.3* 10^16 m away. How long would it take a spaceship to reach the star if were traveling at 0.999c.
A 1.0m long object with a rest mass of 1.0 kg is moving at 0.90c.find its relativistic length and mass.
A particle travels at 0.80c. if its rest mass is 2.58* 10^-28 kg, what is its relativistic kinetic energy compared to its classical kinetic energy.
1. Kyle is in his car traveling at a constant speed of 150 km/h down the road. He passes a police car that was stationary at the side of the road. He sees the radar reading and immediately begins accelerating (8 m/s/s) in order to catch the delinquent teenager. How long and how far down the road does he catch Kyle?
2. After landing safely on the target the cat tries another projectile apparatus. This time the cat is shot out of a cannon over a 30 m high wall. The cat is launched at an angle of 55º0 and can be assumed to be at ground level during launch. With what speed (in km/h) does it have to be launched to make it approximately 5 m over the wall if the wall is 250 m from the cannon?
3. Box A (m=2.5 kg) is connected by a rope that passes over a frictionless pulley to Box B (m=5.5 kg), as shown in figure. The coefficient of kinetic friction between box and ramp is 0.54. Determine the acceleration of the boxes.
4. A 1.2×103 kg space probe, travelling initially at a speed of 9.5×103 m/s through deep space, fires its engines that produce a force of magnitude 9.2×104 N over a distance of 86 km. Determine the final speed of the probe.
6. An α particle of charge +3.2×10-19 C and mass 6.7×10-27 kg first accelerates through a potential difference of 1.2×103 V, then enters a uniform magnetic field of magnitude 0.25 T at 90º. Calculate the magnetic force on the particle.
8. Two sources are vibrating in phase, and set up waves in a ripple tank. A point P on the second nodal line is 12.0 cm from source A and 20.0 cm from source B. When the sources are started, it takes 2.0 s for the first wave to reach the edge of the tank, 30 cm from the source. Find the velocity, wavelength and frequency of the wave.

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