Laboratory Activity Instructions (Acid Rain) Using Data: · Gather the data about your local environment ( do Miami florida)

Laboratory Activity Instructions (Acid Rain)
Using Data:
· Gather the data about your local environment ( do Miami florida)
· Investigate the presence, or lack thereof, of acid rain in your community by using data collected from government agencies.
Lab Investigation: Part A: Load: (Links to an external site.) Select “Near Real Time Data Tab” Apply Filters by selecting: By Location: ‘Water Atlas’ By Site Info: ‘Water Body Type’ By Sample Info: ‘Parameter’ Click submit….
Part B Leave Selected Atlases as ‘Sarasota County Water Atlas’ Select Water Body Type: ‘Stream/River’ Parameter: ‘pH’ Click submit…
Part C Click AL-1 [AL-1] SARASOTA_SONDE-WQ…Alligator Creek Stream-River 03/03/2005-12/12/2006 Scroll down and click ‘Give me selected data’ Select a) Generate File to Download and later b) Graph the Data (See instructions below) Using the Downloaded file, select ‘yes’ to any warning that says it may harm your computer. These files are safe.
Part D Using the data table downloaded above, report the values of pH collected on 10/17/2006. Make a graph of the pH vs. time data from 10/17/2006 in Excel and plot a trend line.
Video: See how to make a graph and trend line in Excel video.Excel 2010 Scatter Diagram with Trendline (Links to an external site.) Excel 2010 Scatter Diagram with Trendline(PC) How to Make A Graph on Excel for Mac (Links to an external site.) How to Make A Graph on Excel for Mac(Mac)
From Part C: You must complete parts A-C again or just use the back arrow function after downloadng spreadsheet.
Select Graph the Data (be sure to check “Display Trendline” in Data Visualization). (Cut and paste graph into report) Compare your graph from Part D with the output from the website.
**Be sure to include both graphs and the Oct. 2006 data table in your lab report within the appropriate sections.  Do not include the entire data set in the Results and Raw Data section.
Acid Rain Lab Questions
 Questions to help with your report
1. What can you learn from looking at these two graphs?
2. What is the overall trend of pH in Alligator Creek in Sarasota County during the entire time period?  Is it different from the October graph?  Why or why not?
3. How can humans impact the pH levels of Alligator Stream/River?
4. What are some possible acid rain pollutants near you?
5. What laws or regulations control acid rain pollution?
6. What local industries might be contributing to the acid rain? What evidence do you have to prove this?
7. If you live in an urban region with a high concentration of industry in all directions, what next steps might you take to pinpoint the source of acid rain?
8. How does the idea of acid rain fit within the discussion of environmental science and sustainability?

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