1) You have a thin straight wire of charge and a solid sphere of charge. The amount of charge on each object is 8 mC and it is uniformly spread over each object. The length of the wire and the diameter of the sphere are both 13 cm. (a) Find the amount of charge on 3.5 cm of the wire. (b) For the sphere, how much charge is located within a radius of 3.5 cm from its center?

1) You have a thin straight wire of
charge and a solid sphere of charge. The amount of charge on each object is 8 mC and it is uniformly spread over each object. The length of the wire and the diameter of the sphere are both 13 cm. (a) Find the amount of charge on 3.5 cm of the wire. (b) For the sphere, how much charge is located within a radius of 3.5 cm from its center?
2) A uniform line of charge with density, λ, and length, L
is positioned so that its center is at the origin. See diagram above. (a) Determine an equation (using integration) for the magnitude of the total electric field at point P a distance, d, away from the origin. (b) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the electric field at P if d = 2 m, L = 1 m, and λ = 5 μC/m. (c) Show that if d >> L then you get an equation for the E-field that is equivalent to what you would get for a point charge. (We did this kind of thing in lecture.)
A uniform line of charge with charge, Q, and length, L, is positioned so that its center is at the left end of the line. See diagram above. (a) Determine an equation (using integration) for the magnitude of the x-component of the total electric field at point P a distance, d, above the left end of the line. (b) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the x-component of the total electric field at point P if d = 1.5 m, L = 2.5 m, and Q = – 8 μC. (c) What happens to your equation from part (a) if d >> L? Conceptually explain why this is true.
4) P
You have a semi-infinite line of charge with a uniform linear density 8 μC/m. (a) Calculate the magnitude of the total electric field a distance of 7 cm above the left end of line. (You can use modified results from lecture and this homework if you like … no integration necessary.) (b) At what angle will this total E-field act? (c) Explain why this angle doesn’t change as you move far away from the wire. Can you wrap your brain around why this would be so?
A uniform line of charge with charge, Q, and length, D, is positioned so that its center is directly below point P which is a distance, d, above. See diagram above. (a) Determine the magnitude of the x-component of the total electric field at point P. You must explain your answer or show calculations. (b) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the y-component of the total electric field at P if d = 2 m, D = 4.5 m, and Q = –12 μC. HINT: You can use integration to do this OR you can use one of the results (equations) we got in lecture and adapt it to this problem.
6) You have an infinite line of charge of constant linear
density, λ. (a) Determine an equation for the magnitude of the total electric field at point P a distance, d, away from the origin. Use any method you wish (except Gauss’ Law) to determine the equation. There’s at least three different ways you could approach this. You can use the diagram in #5 where D → ∞ if you want a visual. (b) Calculate the electric field at d = 4 cm with λ = 3 μC/m.
P + + + + + +
0 2 L
2 L−
13 cm
7 cm
∞ + + + + + 0
– – – – – – –
– – – – – – –
You have three lines of charge each with a length of 50 cm. The uniform charge densities are shown. The horizontal distance between the left plate and right ones is 120 cm. Find the magnitude and direction of the TOTAL E-field at P which is in the middle of the left plate and the right ones.
8) For the same charge distribution of problem #7, with the
exception that you change the sign of the 4 μC plate and you change the distance between the plates to 160 cm, find the magnitude and direction of the TOTAL E-field at P which is in the middle of the left plate and the right ones.
9) You have 3 arcs of charge, two ¼ arcs and one ½ arc.
The arcs form of circle of radius 5 cm. The uniform linear densities are shown in the diagram. (a) Using an integral and showing your work, determine the equation for the electric field at point P due to the ½ arc. (b) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the total electric field at point P.
10) For this problem use the same charge distribution as
problem #9, with the exception of changing all even charges to the opposite sign. (a) Using an integral and showing your work, determine the equation for the electric field at point P due to the ½ arc. (b) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the total electric field at point P.
11) You have two thin discs both
of diameter 26 cm. They also have the same magnitude surface charge density of, 20 μC/m2, but opposite sign. The charge is uniformly distributed on the discs. The discs are parallel to each
other and are separated by a distance of 30 cm. (a) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the total electric field at a point halfway between the discs along their central axes. (b) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the total electric field at a point halfway between the discs along their central axes if the diameter of the discs goes to infinity. (c) Determine the total electric field at a point halfway between the discs along their central axes if discs have charge of the same sign.
– 5 μC/m
+ + +
+ + +
– – –
3 μC/m
4 μC/m
12) You have two concentric thin rings of
charge. The outer ring has a dia- meter of 50 cm with a uniformly spread charge of – 15 μC. The inner ring has a diameter of 22 cm with a uniform linear charge density of 15 μC/m. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the total E-field at point P which lies 40 cm away from the rings along their central axes.
13) A proton is released from rest 5 cm away from an infinite
disc with uniform surface charge density of 0.4 pC/m2. (a) What is the acceleration of the proton once it’s released? (b) Calculate the kinetic energy of the proton after 2.5 s. [See Conversion Sheet for metric prefixes.]
14) In the above two diagrams, G & L, an electron is given
an initial velocity, vo, of 7.3 x 106 m/s above infinite discs with uniform surface charge density of –0.15 fC/m2. (a) In diagram G, how much time passes before the electron stops? (b) In diagram L, how far does the electron move horizontally after it has traveled 20 m vertically? (Hint: Think projectile motion)
15) Two thin infinite planes
of surface charge density 6 nC/cm2 intersect at 45º to each other. See the diagram in which the planes are coming out of the page (edge on view). Point P lies 15 cm from each plane. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the total electric field at P.

– – 2 μC/m
2 μC/m
5 μC/m
+ +
– + P
– –
– –
vo vo

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