Explain how communication contributes to physical health and well-being. 2. What are the basic 5 “needs” fulfilled in competent interpersonal communication?  Identify ways that good interpersonal communication can improve personal relationships.

Explain how communication contributes to physical health and well-being. 2. What are the basic 5 “needs” fulfilled in competent interpersonal communication?  Identify ways that good interpersonal communication can improve personal relationships.
4. Define communication competence.
5. Define ethics and discuss the importance of ethical communication.
Chapter Two
1. The United States is sometimes criticized for being as individualistic as it is. What are some positive aspects about growing up in an individualistic culture? In what ways would growing up in a collectivistic culture be better?
2. Are masculinity and femininity different cultures? What are some reasons to think they are?
3. Define ethnocentrism. Have you had any personal experiences with it? Explain.
4. Define the concept of biological sex and differentiate it from gender role.
5. Discuss gender differences in the expression of emotion and note how they differ according to the type of emotion being examined
Chapter Three
1. In what ways has your self-concept changed over the course of your adolescent and adult life? What parts of your self-concept have remained relatively constant?
2. Of the three types of face needs—fellowship face, competence face, autonomy face—which is the most important to you? Under what circumstances do the others become more important?
3. Define self-monitoring and articulate the pros and cons of being a high self-monitor.
4. Discuss the risks of self-disclosure, using concrete examples.
5. Explain how self-esteem is affected by culture and gender.
Chapter Four
1. Identify and explain the three stages of the perception-making process.
2. If we recognize that our perceptions are always limited, what can we do to improve our perception making? How can we make our perceptions less limited?
3. What is the difference between a fact and an interpretation? How can you tell the difference?
4. Define attributions.
5. Explain and give examples of locus, stability, and controllability as characteristics of attributions
Chapter Five
1. Explain the symbolic and arbitrary nature of language.
2. Define the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and explain how it illustrates the connection between language and culture.
3. Define euphemism and explain its purpose in social interaction.
4. What is the process of persuasion? Discuss how you utilize persuasion on a daily basis either at school, work or with your family.
5. Compare and contrast I-statements and you-statements
Chapter Six
1. Define nonverbal communication and distinguish it from verbal communication.
2. Discuss the ways in which nonverbal communication is ever-present in relational interaction.
3. Discuss the various communicative functions of touch.
4. Discuss the two principal interpersonal messages involved in chronemics: value and time.
5. Discuss the importance of touch for human health and development.
Chapter Seven
1. What does it mean to listen? How is it different than merely hearing? In what instances do you hear someone without listening?
2. Explain how listening is a learned skill is.
3. Which type of listening—informational, critical, empathic—do you engage in the most often? Which type do you enjoy the most? Why?
4. How is competitive interrupting a barrier to effective listening?
5. Explain how to improve one’s empathic listening skills.
Chapter Eight
1. Define emotion.
2. Give examples of the physiological, cognitive, social, and behavioral components of emotion.
3. Explain the difference between primary and secondary emotions, and give examples of each.
4. Define and give examples of the emotional contagion effect.
5. Describe why it is important to identify one’s own emotions accurately.
Chapter Nine
1. How strong is your own need to belong? In what ways do you see your need for social relationships influencing the decisions you make (such as where to live, how to spend your free time)?
2. What are the five stages of Knapp’s Stages of Relationship Development? Discuss each stage in detail. 3. Explain how relationship development may vary by individual and culture.
4. Explain the Attraction Theory. Do you agree with its main premise?
5. Explain how dialectical tensions are managed online.

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