The exclusionary rule refers to __________ .

The exclusionary rule refers to __________ .
A. those cases that the Supreme Court will not hear
B. a principle upheld in Brown v. Board of Education (1954.
C. throwing out evidence obtained by unconstitutional means
D. an intent to withhold information from the courts
Question 2 of 20
5.0 Points
The Bill of Rights is fundamentally designed to protect __________ .
A. individuals from other individuals
B. state governments from the federal government
C. state governments from individual lawsuits
D. individuals from government interference
Question 3 of 20
5.0 Points
Sexual harassment law is an example of __________ .
A. affirmative action
B. a political question
C. the zone of privacy
D. protective legislation
Question 4 of 20
5.0 Points
An African American student victimized by a racial epithet scrawled on his or her dorm wall should turn to which of the following groups for legal advice and assistance?
A. Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
B. American Civil Liberties Union
C. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
D. Both B and C are correct.
Question 5 of 20
5.0 Points
Which of the following is a right of due process?
A. freedom of religious expression
B. legal representation in a criminal trial
C. freedom from the death penalty
D. the right to bear arms
Question 6 of 20
5.0 Points
A landmark case is one that __________ .  
A. is heard by the Supreme Court
B. creates a new general standard for judicial decisions
C. becomes an amendment to the Constitution
D. Congress refers to the Supreme Court
Question 7 of 20
5.0 Points
Which of the following was ruled to be a violation of the separation-of-church-and-state principle of the First Amendment?
A. allowing publicly funded school vouchers to be used to pay for parochial school
B. decorating city streets with stars and trees during the Christmas season
C. exemption of religious property from taxation
D. placement of a Ten Commandments monument in a state courthouse
Question 8 of 20
5.0 Points
Which of the following cases dealt with the issue of sexual harassment?
A. University of California Regents v. Bakke (1978.
B. City of Richmond v. Corson (1989.
C. Oncale v. Sundowner (1998.
D. Hamdan v. Rumsfeld (2004.
Question 9 of 20
5.0 Points
In Grutter v. Bollinger (2003., the Supreme Court ruled in favor of __________ .
A. the equal-protection clause
B. the use of race as a diversity factor in law school admissions criteria procedures
C. all forms of affirmative action
D. the exclusionary rule
Question 10 of 20
5.0 Points
The right to legal representation and other basic rights of the accused are central issues in the case of __________ .
A. Adarand v. Pena (1995.
B. Roe v. Wade (1973.
C. Hamdi v. Rumsfeld (2004.
D. Grutter v. Bollinger (2003.
5.0 Points
Thurgood Marshall __________ .
A. helped defend O. J. Simpson in his civil liability case
B. was the only male employee in the National Organization for Women Legal Defense and Education Fund
C. was the first African American appointed to the Supreme Court
D. wrote the landmark Brown v. Board of Education (1954. opinion
Question 12 of 20
5.0 Points
Which of the following countries does not restrict speech considered hateful or provocative of minorities or religions?
A. the United States
B. Canada
C. the United Kingdom
D. Germany
Question 13 of 20
5.0 Points
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU. __________ .
A. defended individuals’ rights during the “red scares”
B. opposed speech codes on college campuses
C. concentrates on school desegregation suits
D. Both A and B are correct.
Question 14 of 20
5.0 Points
The phrase “equal protection of the laws” is found in which amendment?
A. First Amendment
B. Fifth Amendment
C. Fourteenth Amendment
D. Twenty-first Amendment
Question 15 of 20
5.0 Points
Which of the following is not a suspect class?
A. race
B. gender
C. sexual orientation
D. religion
Question 16 of 20
5.0 Points
Complete incorporation under the Fourteenth Amendment means that __________ .
A. individuals are only protected against federal violations of civil rights
B. individuals are only protected against state violations of civil rights
C. individuals can sue foreign nationals for civil rights violations
D. individuals are protected against federal, state, and private violations of civil rights
Question 17 of 20
5.0 Points
In ACLU v. Ashcroft (2002., the Supreme Court ruled __________ .
A. that the Child Online Protection Act went too far in restricting speech
B. that the Child Online Protection Act was constitutional
C. that the Communications Decency Act protected free-speech rights
D. that neither Act went far enough to protect children
Question 18 of 20
5.0 Points
Which of the following counts as a “private Attorney General”?
A. the National Association of Manufacturers
B. the Roman Catholic Church
C. Alan Dershowitz
D. the Council for American Islamic Relations
Question 19 of 20
5.0 Points
When President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent federal troops to protect black students at Little Rock’s Central High School, he was __________ .
A. enforcing a court order
B. protecting the rights of the accused
C. adhering to provisions in the Equal Rights Amendment
D. stopping the governor of Arkansas from filing an injunction
Question 20 of 20
5.0 Points
The attitude of the Department of Justice toward civil rights groups during the Clinton administration was __________ .
A. generally hostile
B. generally supportive
C. one that preferred a “class conscious” approach
D. one preferring a “color-blind” approach

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