
1. (10 points)  = discussion on 3 historical themes from provided list (no repeats).

2. (10 points) = 6 required quotes  (3 secondary sources – 2 from textbook &  3/primary  documents, 2 from Mindtap) all properly vetted, identified, & contextualized in the essay and all properly cited.

3. (5 points) = minimum 750 word count requirement; each theme paragraph minimum 250 words each.

***NEW INSTRUCTIONS UNIQUE TO THIS WIKI: You will view the following segment of the documentary “Slavery and the Making of America” and use it as your 3rd Secondary Source in one of your essay sections talking about Slavery through one of the themes of your choice.*** PLEASE see further instructions and additional links for this assignment in the Hybrid Weeks Resources Folder under London Travel. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFf1EPaCoiQ  = Slavery and the Making of America, pt. 1


We are studying about the Atlantic World and British Colonial America this grading period. Refer to your syllabus for the assigned chapters. Compose a minimum 750 word essay identifying 3 historical themes (refer to my list of themes) of your choosing and summarize any aspects from the histories we are studying this grading period through the “lens” of the themes.


1. Geographic Determinism on the course of historical events 
            There are many instances in history when the course of human events is determined by the geography and not merely by human will or action. One good example of this is the Nile River. The manner in which the Nile River flows and slowly floods its banks provided a natural irrigation with rich deposits of nutritious soils that created a well fed culture known as the Egyptians. Without the Nile, there would have been NO Egypt.

2. The Big “C”s ~ Conquest, Commerce, Colonization, & Conversion on the Course of History
            This theme resonates throughout history and is the manner in which peoples, their cultures and their ideas, spread across the landscape. An obvious perfect example is the discovery of the New World and the subsequent conquest of the western hemispheric peoples, their often-times forced conversion to Christianity, and the purposeful colonization of the New World in order to advance commercial trade and build wealth for the Spanish Empire.

3. Causes and Effects in History ~ “what came first, the chicken or the egg?”
            This historical theme is the very core of understanding the course of human events. Historical events do not occur in a vacuum ~ one event leads to another, which leads to another and in this manner we see how humans act, and mostly, react, to stimului of their times. Did the invention of the moveable type printing press in 15th century Europe cause a great surge in literacy OR did a desire to become more literate have the effect of finding faster ways to spread the written word? The argument is yours to make.


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