Analytical Report on the importance of Labour Management Relation

Word Limit: 2000 +/- 10%

Citation Format: APA Referencing

References: You are required to consult and correctly reference a MINIMUM of 10 different sources of information.

Plagiarism Rate : Must be less than 9%


Based on the context of Singapore,provide an analytical report on the importance of the 4 key players in enhancing efective labour management relation. Provide examples on how the aforementioned contribute to the competitive advantage of the nation.


  1. Introduiction of labour management relations (LMR) – 300 Words, +/- 10%
  2. Analysis on roles of 4 key players of LMR 800 words – 800 Words, +/- 10%
  3. Analysis on competitive advantage to Singapore through LMR – 700 Words, +/- 10%
  4. Conclusion of the above research – 200 Words, +/- 10%



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