COIS 3420 – Assignment #1 – Question 3 This question can be completed in pairs, but I need to know asap who your plan on working with.

COIS 3420 – Assignment #1 – Question 3

This question can be completed in pairs, but I need to know asap who your plan on working with.

The final part of each assignment is intended to build on previous assignment work so that by the end

of the course you will have completed a small web application. With Assignment 1 you will be working

on the HTML structure and CSS layout for the application.

The zip file named Assn1Q3 located on blackboard contains screenshots for each page (both

the raw HTML and the CSS styled version), as well as the images you’ll need to complete the layout.

The General Layout is the wrapper for every page, only the content within <main> changes from page

to page. Perfect it first, then use it to generate the other pages.

Note: The HTML screenshots only include the “main” section of the page (the part that changes),

rather than the whole layout each time

To get everyone started on the right foot I’ve provided the basic page structure in

The following links should exist and be working within your final project (make sure to use relative


• In the navigation

o Logout should link to #, Login should to the login.html page

o Home should link to index.html

o For right now link Preview 2Do List to displaydetails.html (this will change later)

o Everything else can link to #

• On Index

o The pencil should link to editdetails.html

o The garbage can and the add button can link to #

Other information you’ll need:

• Font Stack: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

• Colors: #6DA6E2 (light blue), #466289 (dark blue – used for visted links), #FF9900 (orange),

#A0AEC1(grey blue)

• The hyperlinks styled like buttons (nav, index) should switch to light blue text on a white

background on hover.

• How to accomplish the complex number styling on the ordered list can be found here:

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