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Can you work the PowerPoint for this homweork, please? Can use five References, please?

Speech Outlines

I am international student do not forget that, please



You will produce formal, full-sentence outlines for your speech of introduction as well as your informative and


persuasive speeches. Outlines are due on your speech date. Outlines must be word-processed.


All sources used in the speech must be listed in a “References” section of the outline and cited using APA style.


In addition, sources must be cited orally in the presentation and parenthetically in the outline. Details of outline


requirements are provided in the text.


Outlining your speech presents several advantages to you:

It enables you to organize your ideas clearly.


It enables you to easily rehearse your presentation.


It enables you to easily revise and refine your speech






Include your name and the page number in the header.


State the title of your speech and center it before starting your outline. Follow this by stating the specific



purpose of your speech.

Divide your outline into the introduction, body, and conclusion. Begin each section with Roman



numeral I.

Use roman numerals (I, II, III) for main points, capital letters (A, B, C) for subpoints, Arabic numerals



(1, 2, 3) for supporting points, and lowercase letters (a, b, c) for further subdivisions. There should


always be a “b” to match an “a.” There should always be a “2” to match a “1.” There should always be a


“B” to match an “A.”

The introduction has four parts: an opening with impact, thesis statement, connection with the audience



and a preview of the speech’s main points.

The body should include three to four main points with well-developed subpoints and transitions. The



transitions between main points should be written in parentheses between main points.

The conclusion has two parts: a review summarizing the main points and a conclusion with impact.


Use complete sentences. Use only one sentence per letter or number, and separate distinct ideas into



different sentences. It is not necessary to use complete sentences in situations such as the following:


lists, parts of a larger whole, or places where complete sentences would be awkward or unnatural.

When citing sources, put the author’s name and date in parentheses after the point (American



Psychological Association, 2001). If you are quoting directly, also include the page number (American


Psychological Association, 2001, p. 69). Include the full source citation in your references section at the


end of the outline. References should be listed in alphabetical order.


[Insert title]

Specific purpose: [Insert your text here]






I. Open with impact: [Insert your text here]



A. [Subpoints as needed: A, 1, a.]


B. [Subpoints as needed]

II. Thesis: [Insert your text here]


III. Connect: [Insert your text here]


IV. Preview: [Insert your text here]



A. [Subpoints as needed: A, 1, a.]


B. [Subpoints as needed]


C. [Subpoints as needed]





I. Main point: [Insert your text here]



A. [Insert your text here and further subpoints as needed]


1. [Insert your text here]


a. [Insert your text here]


b. [Insert your text here]


2. [Insert your text here]


B. [Insert your text here and further subpoints as needed]


1. [Insert your text here]


a. [Insert your text here]


b. [Insert your text here]


2. [Insert your text here]


C. [Insert your text here and further subpoints as needed]


1. [Insert your text here]


a. [Insert your text here]


b. [Insert your text here]


2. [Insert your text here]


(Transition: [Insert your text here])

II. Main point: [Insert your text here]



A. [Insert your text here and further subpoints as needed]


1. [Insert your text here]


a. [Insert your text here]


b. [Insert your text here]


2. [Insert your text here]


B. [Insert your text here and further subpoints as needed]


1. [Insert your text here]


a. [Insert your text here]


b. [Insert your text here]


2. [Insert your text here]


C. Insert your text here and further subpoints as needed]


1. [Insert your text here]


a. [Insert your text here]


b. [Insert your text here]


2. [Insert your text here]


(Transition: [Insert your text here])

III. Main point: [Insert your text here]



A. [Insert your text here and further subpoints as needed]


1. [Insert your text here]


a. [Insert your text here]


b. [Insert your text here]


2. [Insert your text here]


B. [Insert your text here and further subpoints as needed]


1. [Insert your text here]


a. [Insert your text here]


b. [Insert your text here]


2. [Insert your text here]


C. Insert your text here and further subpoints as needed]


1. [Insert your text here]


a. [Insert your text here]


b. [Insert your text here]


2. [Insert your text here]


(Transition: [Insert your text here])





I. Review: [Insert your text here]



A. [Subpoints as needed: A, 1, a.]


B. [Subpoints as needed: A, 1, a.]


C. [Subpoints as needed: A, 1, a.]

II. Conclude with impact: [Insert your text here]




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