Investment and Private Banking – applied business project

3000 words excluding references and appendix , On recent performance on private bank i.e JP MORGAN 

Its should Cover the following 

1. The main features of the market ( Market target your selected bank ) 

2. The financial features of the private bank – Financial Figures and comment on the performance 

3. Products and services that the bank offer ( Evalute ) – Less words 

4. Past and future strategy ( Analyse in detail ) 

you may include some background information ( Economic / political / historical ) , sufficient to enable the reader to fully uderstand the main body of the report , but try to make your report contemporary and forward loking . 


important note –

>>>.>>>> ( QUATE )

<<<<<<< ( Analysis on our bank )




Combine the world wide / bank performance 

Benchmarks ( CIR – Cost income ratio )

Unique FActors and thier relevence 

Journal references ( MORE ) and autheticated financial websites and blogs for anylsis 

Structure –

Introduction ( Brefie ) -200 words 


1.      Introduction. 1

2.      Private Banking. 1

3.      Bank of Singapore. 2

3.1.      Market2

3.2.      Financial Strength of Bank of Singapore. 5

3.3.      Products and Services. 6

3.4.      Past and Future Strategy. 8

4.      Conclusion. 9


References. 10


Some – references by lecturer

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