**Reserved for Prof Washington Watson**


The Stage 1 case study project is due as shown in the schedule.  The assignment instructions are attached. The Case Study is posted under Course Resources > Case Study and Walmart Example.  Use the Case Study to develop your assignment and refer to the Walmart Example to understand the concepts and what is required for the assignment.

When you submit your file for grading please include your last name in the filename.

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Rubric Name: Stage 1 Grading Rubric


41-45 Points

Analysis covers all 5 forces, explaining them and their impact on the business in the case study (Positive, Negative or Neutral) and whether it should affect the strategy (Yes/No); and strongly demonstrates understanding of course vocabulary and concepts, analysis and critical thinking.

36-40 Points

Analysis covers all 5 forces, explaining them and their impact on the business in the case study (Positive, Negative or Neutral) and whether it should affect the strategy (Yes/No); and demonstrates understanding of course vocabulary and concepts, analysis and critical thinking.

31-35 Points

Analysis covers all 5 forces, explaining them and their impact on the business in the case study (Positive, Negative or Neutral) and whether it should affect the strategy (Yes/No). Minimal use of course concepts and vocabulary.

27-30 Points

Analysis covers 1-4 forces, and/or lacks explanations and/or strategy; may be lacking in demonstration of understanding of course concepts, analysis, and/or critical thinking.

0-26 Points

Analysis not included, or does not address many of the 5 forces.

18-20 Points

The selected Strategy for Competitive Advantage is exceptionally well supported based on the explanation of the results of the Five Forces Analysis of the business, and is fully explained demonstrating a strong understanding of course vocabulary, concepts, analysis and critical thinking.

16-17 Points 

The selected Strategy for Competitive Advantage is well supported based on the explanation of the Five Forces Analysis of the business and is adequately explained demonstrating understanding of course vocabulary, concepts, analysis and critical thinking.

14-15 Points

The selected Strategy for Competitive Advantage is supported based on the explanation of the Five Forces Analysis of the business and explained demonstrating some understanding of course vocabulary, concepts, analysis and critical thinking.

12-13 Points

The selected Strategy for Competitive Advantage is not adequately supported based on the explanation of the Five Forces Analysis of the business, does not come from analysis of the Case Study, and/or is lacking in demonstration of understanding of course vocabulary, concepts, or analysis.

0-11 Points

No analysis and/or discussion of Strategy for Competitive Advantage selected is provided or little effort is shown.

9-10 Points

The explanation of how the selected business process is related to and supports the strategy for competitive advantage and the explanation of how technology could improve the process are clear, complete and convincing; and demonstrate a strong understanding of course vocabulary, concepts, analysis and critical thinking.

8 Points

The explanation of how the selected business process is related to and supports the strategy for competitive advantage and the explanation of how technology could improve the process are clear and complete; and demonstrate a good understanding of course vocabulary, concepts, analysis and critical thinking.

7 Points

The explanation of how the selected business process is related to and supports the strategy for competitive advantage and the explanation of how technology could improve the process are both provided; and demonstrate an understanding of course vocabulary, concepts, analysis and critical thinking.

6 Points

The explanation of how the selected business process is related to and supports the strategy for competitive advantage and the explanation of how technology could improve the process may not both be provided, or may not be clear or relevant; and may demonstrate a lack of understanding of course vocabulary, concepts, analysis and critical thinking.

0-5 Points

The explanation of how the selected business process is related to and supports the strategy for competitive advantage and the explanation of how technology could improve the process are not provided; or little effort is shown.

9-10 Points

Two or more sources–one source from within the IFSM 300 course content and one external (other than the course materials)–are incorporated and used effectively. Sources used are relevant and timely and contribute to the analysis. References are appropriately incorporated and cited using APA style.

8 Points

At least one source is incorporated and used effectively. Source(s) are relevant and contribute to the analysis. References are appropriately incorporated and cited using APA style.

7 Points

At least one resource is used and properly incorporated into the text. Reference is cited using APA style.

6 points

A reference source is included, but is not properly incorporated or used and/or is not effective or appropriate and/or is not relevant or timely; and/or does not follow APA style for references and citations.

0-5 Points

No research is incorporated or reference listed is not cited within text.

14-15 Points

Report is very well organized and is easy to read. An appropriate introduction is included that sets the context, why you’re writing, and what’s to come. Very few or no errors in sentence structure, grammar, and spelling; double-spaced, written in third person and presented in a professional format.

12-13 Points

Report reflects effective organization; has few errors in sentence structure, grammar, and spelling; double-spaced, written in third person and presented in a professional format. An appropriate introduction is included that sets the context, why you’re writing, and what’s to come.

10-11 Points

Report has some organization; may have some errors in sentence structure, grammar and spelling, and/or lacks effective introduction. Report is double spaced and written in third person.

9 Points

Report is not well organized, and/or contains several grammar and/or spelling errors; and/or is not double-spaced and written in third person.

0-8 Points

Report is extremely poorly written, has many grammar and/or spelling errors, or does not convey the information.

Overall Score
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