Project Management Will message with further DETAILS!!




 In this assignment,you will demonstrateyour mastery of the following course outcomes:


 Evaluate sport organizations for their effectiveness in resolving issues while maintaining their visions, missions, and goals


 Identify issues germane to collective bargainingand labor management for determining solutions that appease stakeholders


 Analyze organizational models and managerial functions for their impact in achieving sport organizational goals


 Assess decision-making styles for determining the most effective practices in a sport organization


 Determine which motivational theories and models of leadership behavior provide the most significant impact on organizationaleffectiveness of sports entities






Imagine yourself as an advisor to an upper-level manager of a sport organization. You have been asked to create a report to the management of the organization in which you evaluate the organization’s effectiveness at resolving an issue while maintaining its vision and mission and working toward its goals. You will investigate how the issue affected the organization and how the organization responded to the issue and dealt with any changes from or consequences of itssolution.


Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed in your report:


I. Overview: Select an issue from the list provided in the Module One discussion and one real sport organization that has faced the issue.


A. Provide an overview of the issue and sport organization you selected.


B. Explain how the issue has affected the sport organization.






II. Organization


A. Describe the organization’s vision, mission, and goals, including how this organization has historically been successful with modeling these behaviors and achieving its goals.


B. Explain the role and power of the governing body’s impact on the effectiveness of the organization. Use examples to support your response.


C. Illustrate with examples how the governing body within the organization has been effective in achieving goals and also how the governing body has been ineffective in supporting the organization.


D. Explain how the organization’s management addressed the issue, including what factors they took into consideration when attempting to resolve it.




III. Evaluate the Approach


A. Illustrate the different decision-making models that could potentially be used by the organization to address the issue.


B. Determine which decision-making model you feel would be the most appropriate for resolving the issue. Provide examples to support your response.


C. Analyze whether or not the organization utilized the most appropriate decision-making model to resolve the problem. Justify your analysis with specific examples.


D. Determine which motivational theory or theories and leadership behavior model(s) were applied by the organization in devising its decision. Provide examples to support your response.


E. Analyze whether or not the organization utilized the most appropriate theories and models to devise its decision. Justify your analysis with specific examples.




IV. Collective Bargaining and Labor Management


A. Describe what factors the organization should have considered regarding the impact its decision would have on labor relations.


B. Explain what issues specific to labor management and collective bargaining arose as a result of this issue.


C. Analyze whether the union and/or exclusive bargaining representatives related to the sport organization were effective in representing employees within the organization in relation to the issue.


D. Based on the outcome of the organization’s decision and solution, determine if all key stakeholders’ needs were effectively met with regard to labor management and collective bargaining.


E. Determine which motivational theory or theories and leadership behavior model(s) were applied by the organization in addressing the potential labor concerns. Provide examples to support your response.


F. Analyze whether or not the organization utilized the most appropriate theories and models to address potential labor concerns. Justify your analysis with specific examples.






Organizational Structure


A. Describe the type of organizational model used by the organization, including its impact on the organization’s effectiveness in resolving the issue.


B. Determine if the management has been an effective entity in meeting the goals of the organization. Provide examples to support your determination.


C. As a result of the organization’s decision and solution to the issue, describe the changes within and impact to the organizational structure.




VI. Conclusion


A. Evaluate the approaches management used throughout resolving this issue, based on the motivational theories and leadership behavior models, to determine if they were successful in providing the most significant impact on organizational effectiveness. Why or why not?


B. Evaluate whether the organization was effective at resolving the issue while maintaining its vision, mission, and goals.


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