ENGLISH 101 Research Assignment

RESEARCH PAPER & PRESENTATION –  subjective (argumentative)

This assignment consists of two components: a research paper and an accompanying video presentation. You will work in small groups (4-5) and each student will be responsible for specific aspects of the project. You will need to choose a group leader who will designate the roles and responsibilities of the other members of their group. Together, create a timeline for the following process: 

1. Brainstorming – generating ideas, selecting a topic, finding sources

2. Drafting & assessing your own writing 

  1. Getting feedback and revising 
  2. Editing and proofreading
  3. Planning and creating a 10 minute video presentation on the topic. You may use interview clips, powerpoint, skits, music, youtube footage, etc. Be creative, be professional, be thorough and well informed. 



Argument Research Paper

Create an argument paper in alignment with the video presentation on a controversial topic of interest. You can choose any issue — just be sure it is something you are passionate about and genuinely interested in. 

Your topic should be: controversial (at least two possible sides), arguable (not just a matter of taste or preference), and clearly defined.  State your thesis clearly, and provide ample facts, data and examples to prove your thesis. 



5-7 pages double spaced in Times New Roman font size 12. Include a cover page with group member names, date, and essay title. Include a WORKS CITED page listing sources. For quotes, please follow MLA formatting. For MLA guidelines, go to: https://owl.english.purdue.edu

You must use at least 5 sources. 


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