Sandra Cisneros’ The House on Mango Street 



For this essay, you will write a one page response to the prompts below. Be concise and clear. Because this is such a short essay, there should be absolutely no grammatical errors or typos that will detract from the quality of the work. Please submit flawless, polished work.


How does Cisneros address issues of racism, gender roles, and classism in this book?


How does her cultural perspective show up in these stories?


Use examples and quotes from the book to support your answers



One page 1.5 spaced in Times New Roman font size 12. No cover page needed, but be sure name, date, and essay title are listed. For quotes, please follow MLA formatting. PLEASE DO NOT GO OVER THE ALLOTTED PAGE LIMIT. 

For MLA guidelines, go to: https://owl.english.purdue.edu




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