Case Study for public health class

Please go to the link for the Case Study, A Tale of Two Cheaters written by Wilson, C. (2013) and presented by the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (http:  Read the scenario and then write your case study based on the requirements outlined in the rubric.


Read the case and think about it thoroughly. Then, write a 3-5 page paper that A) introduces the ethical issue of case, B) discusses ALL sides of the ethical issue in-depth and in relation to course concepts, and C) answers the questions (if any) at the end of the case. You MUST use your text to support your case study discussion/build your case (be sure to cite appropriately). You may also use outside sources as well (again, be sure to cite appropriately), but your text should be your primary source. Please use the attached rubric for specific information about how the assignment will be scored.


Case Studies will be posted in the Case Studies folder in the Assignment section of Blackboard one week before the date they are due.


NOTE: case study should be:

  1. Typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1” margins
  2. Free of spelling and grammatical errors;
  3. Thoughtful, thorough, cohesive and insightful.
  4. Your own work. If you use other’s ideas or quote them, give them credit. In other words, cite appropriately. If you are unsure of how to do this, see me. If you cite, please include a bibliography. This does not count as part of the page limits.
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