Compare/Contrast of sources

Please send me the topic you are researching before starting….


Comparison/contrast of sources

  • Pick a health topic and do a google search to find information on that topic (website, article, etc).
  • Then use a library database to find a scholarly journal article (primary source research article) on the same topic.
  • Read through both sources of information. 
  • Write a short (2-3 pages) paper in which you compare and contrast the writing, information, references, and another other elements of the sources as appropriate.

You will also:

  • Be specific – give examples of how the sources compare and contrast (assume your reader hasn’t read the sources; make it clear to the reader what you are saying).
  • Include information from readings/tutorials to support your assessment of the sources
  • Follow APA format
  • Include APA formatted title page and reference page (not included in the page count)
  • Include proper use of grammar and spelling and good writing style
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