4 Questions

1. What are the elements of a claim for trademark infringement? Please also provide an example of trademark infringement. YOUR RESPONSE MUST BE AT LEAST 350 WORDS MINIMUM.


2. Does a school need to satisfy each part of the three-part test to be in compliance with Title IX? Explain your answer. YOUR RESPONSE MUST BE AT LEAST 350 WORDS MINIMUM. PLEASE INCORPORATE CASES FROM OUR TEXTBOOK AND DISCUSSIONS IN YOUR ANSWER.


3. Provide an example of a sports league rule that has become the subject anti-trust litigation because of accusations that the rules are or were too restrictive. Your answer to this short answer must be at least 150 words and should incorporate examples from our textbook.


4. Create your own fact pattern to illustrate an example of a violation of the First Amendment in the public school setting. Please avoid the school prayer examples that we discussed in the forums. Just remember, a fact pattern is a made-up story that illustrates a legal issue without actually discussing the legal rules raised by the fact pattern created. Your answer to this short answer must be at least 150 words.



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