
Investigation of an early childhood issue


Task Description Ideally, you will choose one of the three issues researched to build a breadth and depth to the thinking you have already done in Assignment 1. You will investigate more thoroughly one of the five issues addressed throughout this unit. You will consider in depth how this issue relates to you in your current or future work with young children. This will include the positive and negative affects this issue has or might have on your practice and professional position (preferences and identity).


Based on this consideration you will propose strategies for making changes in your service, classroom or other workplace in relation to this issue (real or hypothetical). That is, having identified that this is a complex issue and one that it is worthy of consideration, and relevant to you as an educator, you will suggest ways that you would retain, improve or implement strategies so that this issue was better understood and addressed by you and others.


Several steps will be involved in this assignment:


Choose one of the five issues for more thorough investigation. You should base your choice on the issue which is of most relevance to you in your current work or which you anticipate will have impact on your work as an early childhood educator. This means that you are most likely to choose one of the three issues you summarised and analysed for Assignment 1, or it might mean that you choose a different issue (this should be negotiated with your lecturer if it is not one of the five primary issues). Once you have chosen your issue you will need to read more and think more about it. Module 4 provides a more comprehensive list of additional readings on each issue and it is expected that you will build upon this list.



Identify the relevance of the issue. Consider the impact you believe this issue has on you as an educator and on the broader early childhood profession, and on children and their families, and on the community. Write about how this issue might therefore raise questions for your care and education of young children (i.e. your practice) and questions about the impact on broader quality issues (i.e. your service, schools, classroom, policy, community etc.). Consider what are the benefits and the challenges to the implementation of this issue within your current workplace or future workplace. Given the relevance of this issue to quality care and education, what are the things that make it work, or not? Complete your investigation by considering what changes you would introduce related to this issue regarding your practice and the broader early childhood community. You should be thinking of what might be practical outcomes for you and others related to this issue. What strategies would improve the implementation of this issue? You do not have to actually implement any changes.


Introduction of the critical issue Length approximately 250 words.


This section introduces your investigation so it provides an overview of the relevance of this issue to early childhood professionals and to the early childhood community more broadly.


Selected review of literature Length approximately 1000 words


Be sure to use APA referencing conventions and synthesise the key points of similarity and difference between the selected readings rather than a synopsis of each individual article used. By synthesising the ideas presented across the readings you show your depth of understanding and an application of the reading content to the issue. 


Investigation of the issue Length approximately 1500 words


This section should describe the issue more thoroughly. Explain clearly how the review of literature has informed your position on this issue. Consider how this issue links to others which you have read about in this unit (or from your own reading). You should include discussion on how the issue raises questions about personal and professional practice and/or questions about general issues of early childhood quality, early childhood systems, policies etc. You might relate this issue to your personal experience working with young children (your current or past work or on practicum) or on your expectations of yourself and your work in the future. You could include practical issues such as those related to curriculum or programme plans; the environment; interactions with children or families; staff relations; workforce issues, and professional development activities. In this section you should also suggest possible solutions or considerations regarding the questions you have raised as they affect you personally and professionally and in reference to the broader early childhood community or early childhood professionalism.


Conclusion Length approximately 250 words


Your conclusion is a way to provide the final statements about this issue. Conclude by drawing together the main points you have considered in this paper. Do not raise new issues or points in this section. You need to bring together ideas and points you have already made.

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