design a project in Nepal


We are working as a team and my part for the assignment is part C2 Civil (Structural and Geotechnical) Engineering Specifications ONLY, e.g. size of tank, support system, pipe sizes etc. As a team we have selected site 3, Kaski, Pokhara in Nepal, the site needs to be considered when developing the design. so i need information about my part 


Part C2 – Civil (Structural and Geotechnical) Engineering Specifications

Civil (Structural and Geotechnical) calculations are required to show that your team’s proposed solution will meet the requirements as set out in the project brief. This will include design specifications and related calculations to the following areas:

 Size, shape and depth of any cut and fill (excavation and filling) work

 Wind pressure and forces and moments acting on both structures and foundations

 Preliminary sizing of related infrastructure for multi-use rainwater system including

o Diameter and thickness of pipelines

o Shape and dimensions of storage tanks

o Depth, shape, size and thickness of foundation and foundation material

 Shape, size, depth and material of potential retaining walls (if any)

 Shape, size and length of potential foundation drainage system (if any)

 Road pavement design and drainage system for any access road and associated structures and foundations (if any)

 Resistance of structures against sliding, differential settlement and overturning

 Provision of a general site lay-out covering all aspects of the rainwater multi-use project showing locations and approximate dimensions of related engineering structures of the project.


In these areas, you should be able to demonstrate the basic knowledge on the analysis of loads and forces, preliminary design, selection of materials, and familiarise yourself on the different Australian design standards. 

and i have upload the assignment file.

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