labwright up

Introduction to Engineering
Spring 2017
Here’s a real challenge for you…..
You are given a
” x
” piece of
aluminum foil. Your challenge is to use this foil to make
a “boat” which can hold 100 pennies without sinking.
You may
work on this outside of class
but you will need to procure your
own aluminum
foil and pennies. You may also choose to bring your own materials to our next class
but, if you opt not to,
I will provide th
(but yo
u should know that I will only give
you one piece of foil)
for you to demonstrate your solution.
owever, before just trying this,
think about the problem, perform some
calculations and even make a
otype (perhaps
out of paper) to
make sure that on
“game day” you can make the real one
(if you don’t bring yours in)
You may initially think this is impossible because neither of the materials floats
, but
remember…..steel doesn’t float and there are steel ships sail
ing all over the world.
Here are a few things which may help you:
Think about why steel ships
What is the principle which is used?
How do you know how low a ship will sit in the water
Can you calculate how low your boat will sit in the water?
Hopefully you think so
because I am requiring it
What I would like to see is the process you went through in order to develop your
solution. This may include ideas, sketches, calculations, prototypes, and anything else
you have used in your design and de
velopment effort. Remember that we all think
differently so use what works best for you.
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