Major Assignment

Assignment 3: Presentation: “Biggest Challenges Facing Organizations in the Next 20 Years”
Due Week 10 and worth 250 points

In this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines what you believe will be the biggest challenges facing organizations in the next twenty (20) years.

Faculty Note: For students taking this course online, if there is a hardship for any student in being able to secure a microphone to complete this assignment, the student is allowed to use the notes section of PowerPoint to write a narrative of what they would say if actually presenting / narrating . VERY IMPORTANT TO HAVE NOTES!!

Write an eight (8) slide presentation in which you:

  1. Provide a title slide (as indicated in the format requirements below) followed by a slide with an introduction to your presentation. 
  2. Presentation should include your choice of the five (5) challenges you believe organizations will face in the next twenty (20) years. Only include one (1) challenge and your explanation for choosing that challenge per slide for a total of five (5) slides. 
  3. Provide one (1) summary slide which addresses key points of your paper. 
  4. Narrate each slide, using a microphone, indicating what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience. 

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: 

  • Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide and three to four (3-4) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc.), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. 
  • Include a title slide containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.



Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.


Points: 250

Assignment 3: Biggest Challenges Facing Organizations in the Next 20 Years




Below 60% F

Meets Minimum Expectations

60-69% D



70-79% C



80-89% B



90-100% A

1. Provide a title slide followed by a slide with an introduction to your presentation.

Weight: 5%

Did not submit or incompletely provided a title slide followed by a slide with an introduction to your presentation.

Insufficiently provided a title slide followed by a slide with an introduction to your presentation.

Partially provided a title slide followed by a slide with an introduction to your presentation.

Satisfactorily provided a title slide followed by a slide with an introduction to your presentation.

Thoroughly provided a title slide followed by a slide with an introduction to your presentation.

2. Presentation should include your choice of the five (5) challenges you believe organizations will face in the next twenty (20) years. Only include one (1) challenge and your explanation for choosing that challenge per slide for a total of five (5) slides.  Weight: 50%

Did not submit or incompletely included your choice of the five (5) challenges you believe organizations will face in the next twenty (20) years. Did not submit or incompletely included one (1) challenge and your explanation for choosing that challenge per slide for a total of five (5) slides. 

Insufficiently included your choice of the five (5) challenges you believe organizations will face in the next twenty (20) years. Insufficiently included one (1) challenge and your explanation for choosing that challenge per slide for a total of five (5) slides. 

Partially included your choice of the five (5) challenges you believe organizations will face in the next twenty (20) years. Partially included one (1) challenge and your explanation for choosing that challenge per slide for a total of five (5) slides. 

Satisfactorily included your choice of the five (5) challenges you believe organizations will face in the next twenty (20) years. Satisfactorily included one (1) challenge and your explanation for choosing that challenge per slide for a total of five (5) slides. 

Thoroughly included your choice of the five (5) challenges you believe organizations will face in the next twenty (20) years. Satisfactorily included one (1) challenge and your explanation for choosing that challenge per slide for a total of five (5) slides. 

3. Provide one (1) summary slide which addresses key points of your paper. 

Weight: 5%

Did not submit or incompletely provided one (1) summary slide which addresses key points of your paper. 

Insufficiently provided one (1) summary slide which addresses key points of your paper. 

Partially provided one (1) summary slide which addresses key points of your paper. 

Satisfactorily provided one (1) summary slide which addresses key points of your paper. 

Thoroughly provided one (1) summary slide which addresses key points of your paper. 

4. Narrate each slide, using a microphone, indicating what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience. Weight: 30%

Did not submit or incompletely narrated each slide, using a microphone, indicating what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience.

Insufficiently narrated each slide, using a microphone, indicating what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience.

Partially narrated each slide, using a microphone, indicating what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience.

Satisfactorily narrated each slide, using a microphone, indicating what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience.

Thoroughly narrated each slide, using a microphone, indicating what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience.

5. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements.

Weight: 10%

More than 8 errors present

7-8 errors present

5-6 errors present

3-4 errors present

0-2 errors present


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