*****International Business Paper*****

Visit the web portals below and review their perspectives on the debate about free trade and government policies on trade barriers. Given the inherent conflict between national interests, special interests, asymmetries in world wage rates, and other economic conditions, what is the best path forward for national governments? That is, should governments generally favor free trade, or should they intervene to protect national interests? Justify your answer.

AFLCIO the Global Economy

Public Citizen

The Heritage Foundation

The Sierra Club

The World Trade Organization

Consider a continuum that ranges from free trade to non-free (restricted) trade:

















Non     – free




(No trade barriers)


(Some trade barriers)


(Maximum trade barriers)

Use section headings to support a well organized response. DO NOT use first and second person pronouns in discussing information and data, observations, strategy, steps, or rationale (I, me, we, us, you, my, our, your, mine, ours, myself, ourselves, yourself, and yourselves). Word count must be between 1000 and 1200 words.

All material, data and information used must be referenced both through in-text citation and in a References section. 

Your assignment should be typed and double-spaced with 1″ margins on all sides and must be a .doc or .docx Word document submitted as an attachment. Use a 12 pt. Times New Roman font. DO NOT copy the assignment into the blackboard submission window. Include a page header  (also known as the “running head”) at the top of every page. 

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