A+ Answers

1.Teachers are powerful in their abilities to function as a role model of habits of mind and work. 
A. change the way parents relate to children. 
B. function as a role model of habits of mind and work. 
C. establish and control the friendships of the classroom. 
D. change the way children relate to parents. 

2. A creative teacher is a non-conformist, a self-starter, an energizer, and:
A. spontaneous. 
B. humorous. 
C. analytical. 
D. supportive. 

3. Interactions are:
A. rare but focused. 
B. unstructured and unplanned occurrences. 
C.  daily, face-to-face exchanges with students. 
D. times when the teacher should not talk.

4. Conditions that support creativity include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. a stimulating environment. 
B. overwhelming tasks. 
C. respect for children’s contributions. 
D. supporting individual differences.

5. All of the following conditions support creativity EXCEPT:
A. a variety of media and resource materials. 
B. challenging and overwhelming tasks. 
C. individual differences prized. 
D. independent access to materials. 

6. Anecdotal records highlight student attitudes, preferences, judgments, and:
A. expression. 
B. participation. 
C. development. 
D. skill. 

7. Parents and families can shape a child’s talent through:
A. limiting certain activities they don’t want the child to participate in. 
B. instilling a desire or expectation for the child to participate in an activity. 
C. giving rewards for performing as expected. 
D. letting the child flourish without offering advice. 

8.After attending a professional development session on using activities related to the multiple intelligences, a first-grade teacher wants to plan a theme on letter recognition that considers children’s “different ways of being smart.” What is the most effective way to do this?

A. Have students focus on a different letter of the alphabet each day during handwriting and provide practice in matching upper and lower case letters. 
B. Set up learning centers where children write letters in sand with their fingertip, use a word processing program to make a collage of one letter in different fonts, build letters out of various materials (e.g., toothpicks, string dipped in white glue, fabric cut with pinking shears, etc.), and sing alphabet songs at the listening center. 
C. Read children a variety of alphabet books and point out each letter and sound to them during “letter of the week” activities. 
D. Have children collect examples of environmental print for each letter and share with the class. 

9. Family responses to portfolios give parents a chance to provide:
A. written feedback. 
B. clear guidelines. 
C. self-analysis. 
D. instruction to the child

10.Studies show that most families make __________ a part of their child’s daily experiences.
A. dramatic play 
B. dance 
C. painting 
D. music 

11. Which of the following encourages critical thinking?
A. Let’s look at these two pictures. 
B. What did you think of the story? 
C. What do you predict will happen when…? 
D. How do you know that is true?



12. The quality of “wisdom” in creative genius means:
A. producing surprising “hands-on” results. 
B. delving beneath the surface to get to the heart of the matter. 
C. breaking out of the routine. 
D. creating something that emanates from within. 

13.Which statement is FALSE in regard to influences on teachers’ creativity?
A. Teachers without training in creativity are well equipped to serve as models of creativity for their students. 
B. When teachers have opportunities to learn about and try out creative teaching strategies, they are more likely to expand their teaching repertoires. 
C. When teachers feel oppressed by lack of freedom, they feel disrespected. 
D. Teachers’ planning is affected if they work in environments that lack inviting materials. 

14.Criteria that have little place in assessing a first grader’s ability to mix paint colors are:
A. neatness and ability. 
B. intelligence and ability. 
C. attitude and ability. 
D. neatness and creativity. 

15.__________  affects creativity.
A. Intelligence 
B. Motivation 
C. Learning style 
D. Emotion 

16. Parents shape their children’s talent in all of the following ways EXCEPT:
A. offering moral support. 
B. encouraging self-evaluation. 
C. offering advice or giving explicit instruction. 
D. setting low standards. 

17.One main reason teachers are unsure about how to respond to a child with remarkable talent is they:
A. feel their own abilities are inferior to the child’s. 
B. fear the child will be uninterested in what they have to offer. 
C. worry that they won’t have the time needed to nurture them. 
D. are concerned how other children will treat the child. 

18.Which of the following is a true statement about brain research?
A. Early social and emotional experiences are the seeds of human intelligence. 
B. Different regions of the brain are actively developing and maturing according to certain timetables. 
C. Children who don’t play much develop smaller brains. 
D. All of the above 

19.Learning involves which of the following skills?
A. Abilities and attitudes 
B. Attitudes and alertness 
C. Alertness and abilities 
D. Abilities, attitudes, and alertness 

20. Appropriate observation of children:
A. uses high-inference terminology. 
B. evaluates with value-laden terminology. 
C. ascribes meaning to certain behaviors. 
D. records both verbal and non-verbal behavior.

21.To plan and arrange classrooms for creativity and arts-based learning, teachers need to:
A. know the children and how best to guide their learning. 
B. provide teacher-directed activities for children’s use. 
C. adhere to a published curriculum guide. 
D. release all control over the classroom. 

22. Design features that evoke a warm, homelike quality are one aspect of a positive classroom climate
A. a way to make children unruly. 
B. too relaxing for learning in the classroom. 
C. a part of interpersonal intelligence training. 
D. one aspect of a positive classroom climate. 

23. Climate, space, and time are three basic elements of:
A. integrating creativity and science. 
B. creative learning environments. 
C. developing cognitive intelligence. 
D. environmental attributes and creative expression. 

24. __________ provide(s) a structured yet flexible environment that is predictable, minimizes chaos, and empowers children.
A. Flexibility 
B. Planning 
C. Routines 
D. Rules 

25. Arts-based centers should be organized around:
A. the physical development of the children. 
B. the teacher’s desk. 
C. maintaining a quiet classroom. 
D. thematic interest areas.

26.Teachers who adjust the physical environment for children with disabilities need to:
A. be knowledgeable about the disability. 
B. emphasize a child’s disability. 
C. adapt only indoor equipment and materials. 
D. purchase expensive pre-made materials and equipment.


27.A well-organized space facilitates:
A. concentration, quiet, and high test scores. 
B. movement, concentration, and cooperation. 
C. concentration, cooperation, and quality work. 
D. movement, creative expression, and arts-based learning. 

28.Appropriately designed outdoor play space allows children to:
A. run freely without limits. 
B. play competitive games. 
C. retain ownership of their play. 
D. always know what they are going to play. 

29.Supplying a classroom art-center with small and large crayons, adaptive scissors, and pencil grips would be an appropriate modification for a child with a:
A. physical disability. 
B. visual impairment. 
C. hearing impairment. 
D. cognitive disability. 

30.Toddlers have been bumping into one another and knocking down one another’s blocks and toys. How can the teacher create a safer, calmer environment in this childcare center?
A. Create a classroom floor plan that will separate more active play areas from quieter ones. 
B. Teach students to apologize to one another after they have been too rambunctious. 
C. Remind children that they need to respect one another’s work. 
D. Devote more time to circle time, large group activities. 

31. When planning a learning center, which of the following must be considered?
A. Guidelines for meeting standardized testing content 
B. Teacher interests 
C. Special needs of children 
D. The cost of the materials 

32. Professional organizations for teachers have a set of standards for establishing high-quality classroom environments. These standards indicate that the classroom environment should support:
A. children’s honest expression and thinking, displays of children’s work, autonomy for infants and toddlers, and children’s feeling of ownership. 
B. children’s feeling of ownership, autonomy for infants and toddlers, displays of children’s work, and varied experiences through learning centers. 
C. assessment of children’s work, displays of children’s work, children’s feeling of ownership, and children’s honest expression and thinking. 
D. displays of children’s work, teacher-directed activity centers, children’s feeling of ownership, and assessment of children’s work. 

33.An assortment of hats, clothes, and other pretend items are neatly stored in boxes labeled with an image of the role with which they are associated. For example, a fairy box includes wings with elastic loops so that a child can wear them, a magic wand, and a recycled costume from Halloween while a fire fighter box includes a length of hose, a plastic fire fighter helmet, and plastic boots. This center would be appropriate for which age group?
A. Toddlers 
B. Preschoolers/kindergartners 
C. First and second graders 
D. Third and fourth graders 

34.Safe playgrounds are well-designed, have adequate storage facilities, and :
A. are usually expensive. 
B. are easy to maintain. 
C. provide features children prefer. 
D. provide the latest equipment.

35.To facilitate transitions in the classroom, a teacher could:
A. sing a special song or recite a poem with the children. 
B. bring in the school psychologist. 
C. develop environmental intelligence in the classroom. 
D. involve the parents in the children’s education. 

36.Stocking a math or science center with different sized manipulatives would be an appropriate modification for children with __________ issues.
A. fine motor 
B. gross motor 
C. speech 
D. behavioral 

37.Appropriate materials and equipment for outdoor play should contain:
A. a lot of immovable parts. 
B. some loose parts. 
C. large, simple, steel units designed for a single purpose. 
D. hard, strong surfaces for ground cover. 

38.An important principle to consider when arranging a classroom environment involves:
A. arranging the seats in rows. 
B. hanging pictures at eye level for PTA meetings. 
C. assuring that the space is easy to supervise. 
D. maintaining exclusive use of the materials for teachers. 
39.Particularly when the weather is bad, all of the children’s buses do not arrive at approximately the same time. The teacher wants to keep the children occupied, so she assigns workbook pages from math and reading for them to complete while they wait for everyone to get to class. What would be a better alternative?
A. Allow students to visit a variety of activity centers matched to their interests. 
B. Give students pages to color, cut, and paste that will use up the available time. 
C. Tell students to find a book to read silently at their desks. 
D. Distribute simple games that each child can play at her or his desk. 

40.Outdoor storage should have which of the following characteristics?
A. It should be temporary. 
B. It should be geared to and sized for adults. 
C. It should be weather-tight to protect items from being damaged. 
D. Storage is not necessary on the playground.




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