Synthesis/Research Essay

Essay #2: Synthesis / Research Essay – Why Tragedy


Recommended length4 pages

Format: MLA


Topic: For this synthesis paper, I would like you to explore the ideas of the three theorists we have encountered so far in the course – Aristotle, Hegel, Nietzsche – as lenses through which you can examine the nature of tragedy in adifferent the film from the one for essay #1:  The Black Swan and House of Sand and Fog. In other words and simply, what would any each of these theorists say about the nature of tragedy in one of the fictional works? Of course, this entails seeing a different film. I am keeping a record of which film you chose for essay #1. If you do the essay on that one again, you will receive a zero for this assignment.  



See the film immediately, take notes, find dialogue from film. You will be required to cite the film this essay.


Outline due on paper in class. Oct. 6 or 7 [depending on whether your course meets on Mon or Tues.


Essay due to Live Text only Oct. 13 or 14.


Read play: you must read your choice of the three assigned plays by either Oct. 8 or 9 depending on which day your class meets. I will quiz you on that play that day. I will count this quiz twice. Remember that these quizzes are 20% of your final grade in the course. The play itself will be the topic of your annotated bibliography, oral presentation and research paper. On Oct 8 or 9 you will be meeting with others who have read the play to present a panel discussion on the play. If you have not read a play or in class that day, you will miss this opportunity and receive a zero for the assignmenrt. Only verified university excuses or doctor’s note saying you were unable to attend the class will exempt you from this deadline


Citations: Once again, you will be using my Keynote, but I am going to ask you to cite the sources directly. I will explain in class.  


Writing Goals for this paper are as follows: 1. An organized and structured argument. 2. More focused and interesting introductions and conclusions. 3. The integration of quoted sources and correctness in their citations.

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