answer the questions

i have an assignment for Current Management Issues class. i need you to read the file that i attached and then answer the questions at the end of the attached file in seperate two pages.

you must write two full pages to answer the questions.

i will attach the grading scale picture from the professor. 

you must support your answers using outside resources, such as articles or books

below is the grading scale



Identifies and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the main issues/problems in the case study

Identifies and demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of most of the issues/problems

Identifies and demonstrates a limited understanding of the issues/problems in the case study

Presents an insightful and thorough analysis of all identified issues/problems

Presents a thorough analysis of most of the issues identified

Presents a superficial or incomplete analysis of the identified issues

Supports analysis and opinions with strong arguments and well-documented evidence; presents a balanced and critical view; interpretation is both reasonable and objective

Supports analysis and opinions with limited reasoning and evidence; presents a somewhat one-sided argument; demonstrates little engagement with ideas presented

Little or no action suggested and/or inappropriate solutions proposed to the issues in the case study

Makes appropriate and powerful connections between identified issues/problems and the concepts studied in the course readings and lectures; supplements case study with relevant and thoughtful research and documents all sources of information

Makes appropriate but somewhat vague connections between identified issues/problems and concepts studied in readings and lectures; demonstrates limited command of the concepts studied; supplements case study with limited research

Makes inappropriate or little connection between issues identified and the concepts studied in the readings; supplements case study, if at all, with incomplete research and documentation

Demonstrates clarity, conciseness and correctness; formatting is appropriate and writing is free of grammar and spelling errors

Occasional grammar or spelling errors, but still a clear presentation of ideas; lacks organization

Writing is unfocused, rambling, or contains serious errors; poorly organized and does not follow specified guidelines

Overall Score
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