Psychology Stats Exam


Question 1. 

Identify each of the following as examples of nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio scales of measurement. (4 points each)

  1. A poll of registered voters in Florida asking which candidate they support
  2. The length of time required for a wound to heal when using a new medicine
  3. The number of telephone calls arriving at a switchboard per five-minute period
  4. The distance first-year college football players can kick a ball
  5. Mental health diagnoses present in an elderly population
  6. The rankings of employees on their job performance


Question 2. 

Two hundred raffle tickets are sold. Your friend has five people in her family who each bought two raffle tickets. What is the probability that someone from her family will win the raffle?


Question 3. 


Question 4. 


Question 5. 


Question 6. 




























































































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