Marketing Opinion

Article Review – Individual

Marketing happens all around us, every day. In order to help you recognize this, three article reviews are required. This is a form of a current events report, writing a summary that extracts and summarizes the major points relative to a particular topic area that we have discussed. This is to be written in a 750 to 1150 word, APA style, paper outlining:
a) The topic considered
b) summarizing the article
c) stating how the article relates to your topic
d) Your opinion of the article
e) Two (2) “discussion questions” 
concerning that article. 

Part of what determines the quality of the article is its source. The following are suggested: Ad Week, Advertising Age, Bloomberg Business Week, Crain’s regional publications, Entrepreneur, Forbes, Fortune, Harvard Business Review, Inc., and The Wall Street Journal. See me before you choose an article from any others.

In the News” Article Written Report rubric


Area of Evaluation



Needs Improvement



Topic, Article Source, & Text, Chapter, & Pages Identified


15 points

Quality article clearly identified with text’s pages and  sources properly cited

12-15 points

Identified and cited source but is 6-12 months old.  Article somewhat superficial.


Article is over 12 months old. Text references not identified.

4-7 points

Does not meet previous criteria

0 points


Article Summary, Including How It Relates to the Text’s Topic


20 points

Complete, clear summary & related well to text.

15-20 points

Key point(s) are mentioned but not  covered sufficiently or related to text

9-14 points

Article summary is short, with no key points identified

5-8 points

Does not meet previous criteria

0 points



Your Analysis, Opinion


25 points

Clear evaluation of article content with insightful application(s) to one or more marketing topic(s)

18-25 points

Good evaluation of content with application(s) to marketing topic

10-17 points

Evaluation of content is superficial with few applications to marketing topic

4-9 points

Does not meet previous criteria

0-3 points


Two Discussion Questions


20 points

Thoughtful, discussion-creating questions

15-20 points

Questions are of varying quality

9-14 points

Questions are superficial or can be answered with ‘yes” or “no”

5-8 points

Does not meet previous criteria

0-1 points


Writing Mechanics



10 points

No punctuation, spelling, word choice errors.  Organization for optimum communication.  Followed APA guidelines.

8-10 points

Nominal level of errors in spelling, word choice, or organization

5-7 points


Significant level of errors in writing mechanics.  Did not use APA style.

3-4 points

Writing mechanics are well below professional expectations

0-2 points





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