MATH 233 Unit 4 Individual Project

MATH233 Unit 4 Individual Project

Dr. Claude Shannon (1916 – 2001), “the father of information theory,” observed that the maximum error-free capacity in bits per second (bps) obtainable in a communication channel can be found by the Shannon-Hartley equation:


Above, , is the bandwidth of the channel in Hertz and  is the signal-to-noise ratio of the channel. Since   0 does not make sense in this situation, assume that the formula below is correct:


This is a “pure” number with no unit labels on it. The value of  is called Shannon’s Capacity Limit or channel capacity. This is the theoretical upper limit for the bits per second through the channel with a specific  value and a specific given channel frequency, .

Be sure to show your work details for all calculations and explain in detail how the answers were determined for critical thinking questions. Round all value answers to three decimals.

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