Unit VII Case Study

Unit VII Case Study


Netbook Case and Broken Promises


See the source listed below to access the Case Study, “Netbook Case and Broken Promises.”


Read the Case Study and answer the following questions in detail.


Submit this assignment as one comprehensive word document of no less than 800 words.


1.    What do you believe is the best way to handle this situation if you were Nicholas? If you were Ting?


2.    This contract has been signed by both parties and is in the administer phase of the procurement process. How would you continue managing this relationship if you were Nicholas?


3.     How do you share this situation with your Project Manager, Evelyn? How do you think that the Project Manager and Nicholas could have worked better as a team? Do you think teamwork was exhibited in this situation?


4.    What are your next steps if you were in Nicholas’s position?






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