Upload Assignment: 6-2 Short Paper: Mandatory Minimum Sentences and Judicial Efficiency
Read Chapters 9 and 10 of Judicial Process in America and review the module resources. Define “mandatory minimum sentences” and “sentencing guidelines.” Referencing your text and resource materials, explain why we have mandatory minimum sentences and sentencing guidelines; what purpose do they serve? State your opinion as to whether mandatory minimum sentences help or hinder judicial efficiency and defend your position by explaining why and how they do so. For additional details, please refer to the Module Six Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.
some resources
Website: Justice Studies Guide
This guide from the Shapiro Library will help you get started with research by providing links to library resources specific to justice studies, including criminal justice.
This guide supports this module’s discussion assignment.
Article: Reconsidering Mandatory Minimum Sentences: The Arguments for and Against Potential Reforms
This article is a legal memorandum published by the Heritage Foundation—a nonprofit think tank that publishes research on law and public policy. This legal memorandum thoughtfully explores the pros and cons of reform to mandatory minimum sentencing laws.
This article supports this module’s short paper assignment.
Article: Excerpt From Introduction to Federal Sentencing Guidelines
The U.S. Sentencing Guidelines are the regulations of the United States Sentencing Commission relative to sentencing federal criminal defendants. This excerpt from the guidelines’ introduction, courtesy of the University of Missouri Kansas City School of Law online library, explains the objectives of and basic approach to these sentencing guidelines.
This article supports this module’s short paper assignment.
Article: How Plea Bargains Are Making Jury Trials Obsolete
This article regarding the role of plea bargaining in modern criminal procedure is published by The Crime Report, a journalism project of the Center on Media, Crime and Justice at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
This article supports this module’s short paper assignment.

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