Review the Case Study on Page 85 of your text.  Prepare a 2 page research paper that describes Japan’s Lost Decade and compare it to Quantitative Easing Policy employed by the US Government.  In your research be sure to address the impact of the policies and explain the results based on macroeconomic theory.  Was the decision employ Quantitative Easing in the US correct and what are the expected results. 

  • The submission must be in APA format. 
  • In addition to the 2 pages of content, include a title page, abstract, and reference page.
  • The paper should be supported with at least 2 Academic References. 
  • The paper must include at least 2 graphics that describe or explain economic factors related to Quantitative Easing.

Some Things to Consider:  The paper must focus on the evaluating the impact of the policy and predict future consequences.


Please see the attachemt from page 85 in the text book.

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