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    Assignment 3: VoIP Part 1 (Work Breakdown Structure)
    Due Week 5 and worth 100 points

    This assignment contains two (2) deliverables: a summary document to be delivered in a word processor document format and a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to be delivered in a project file.

    As the project manager for an IT department, you have been assigned to manage the project of deploying a new VoIP phone system to the company’s campus. The campus consists of three (3) different buildings, each with twenty to fifty (20 to 50) workstations. The project must be completed in ninety (90) calendar days starting on November 1.

    Deliverable 1: Summary (MS Word or open source equivalent)

    1.     Write a one to two (1-2) page summary document in which you:

    a.    Summarize the project requirements and other assumptions (e.g., budget, human resources, workload, environmental dependencies, etc.).

    b.    Define a work breakdown structure and describe the methodology behind constructing one.

    Deliverable 2: WBS (MS Project or open source equivalent)

    2.    Use Microsoft Project to create a WBS which:

    a.    Contains at least five (5) main tasks, one for each of the PMBOK® process areas.

    b.    Contains at least sixty (60) line items distributed in ten (10) or more work packages.

    c.    Contains Work Breakdown Structure Code for each task.

    d.    Presents a duration estimate for each task which results in a duration estimate for the project not to exceed the requirements described in the overview.

    Deliverable one (1) of your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

    • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

    The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

    • Identify how project management improves the success of information technology projects.
    • Explain the relationship of the scope of a project to the work breakdown structure.
    • Use technology and information resources to research issues in IT project management.
    • Write clearly and concisely about issues in IT project management using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

    Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment.


    Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

    Points: 100

    Assignment 3: VoIP Part 1 (Work Breakdown Structure)



    Below 70% F


    70-79% C


    80-89% B


    90-100% A

    Deliverable 1: Summary (MS Word or open source equivalent)

    1a. Summarize the project requirements and other assumptions (e.g., budget, human resources, workload, environmental dependencies, etc.).

    Weight: 15%

    Did not submit or incompletelysummarized the project requirements and other assumptions (e.g., budget, human resources, workload, environmental dependencies, etc.).

    Partiallysummarized the project requirements and other assumptions (e.g., budget, human resources, workload, environmental dependencies, etc.).

    Satisfactorilysummarized the project requirements and other assumptions (e.g., budget, human resources, workload, environmental dependencies, etc.).

    Thoroughlysummarized the project requirements and other assumptions (e.g., budget, human resources, workload, environmental dependencies, etc.).

    1b. Define a work breakdown structure and describe the methodology behind constructing one.

    Weight: 15%

    Did not submit or incompletely defined a work breakdown structure and did not submit or incompletely described the methodology behind constructing one.

    Partially defined a work breakdown structure and partially described the methodology behind constructing one.

    Satisfactorily defined a work breakdown structure and satisfactorily described the methodology behind constructing one.

    Thoroughly defined a work breakdown structure and thoroughly described the methodology behind constructing one.

    1c. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements

    Weight: 5%

    More than 6 errors present

    5-6 errors present

    3-4 errors present

    0-2 errors present

    Deliverable 2: WBS (MS Project or open source equivalent)

    2a. Create a WBS which contains at least five (5) main tasks, one for each of the PMBOK® process areas.

    Weight: 20%

    Did not submit or incompletely created a WBS which contains at least five (5) main tasks, one for each of the PMBOK®process areas.

    Partially created a WBS whichcontains at least five (5) main tasks, one for each of the PMBOK® process areas.

    Satisfactorily created a WBS which contains at least five (5) main tasks, one for each of the PMBOK®process areas.

    Thoroughly created a WBS whichcontains at least five (5) main tasks, one for each of the PMBOK® process areas.

    2b. Create a WBS which contains at least sixty (60) line items distributed in ten (10) or more work packages.

    Weight: 20%

    Did not submit or incompletelycreated a WBS which contains at least sixty (60) line items distributed in ten (10) or more work packages.

    Partially created a WBS which contains at least sixty (60) line items distributed in ten (10) or more work packages.

    Satisfactorily created a WBS which contains at least sixty (60) line items distributed in ten (10) or more work packages.

    Thoroughly created a WBS which contains at least sixty (60) line items distributed in ten (10) or more work packages.

    2c. Create a WBS which contains Work Breakdown Structure Code for each task.

    Weight: 5%

    Did not submit or incompletelycreated a WBS which contains Work Breakdown Structure Code for each task.

    Partially created a WBS which contains Work Breakdown Structure Code for each task.

    Satisfactorily created a WBS which contains Work Breakdown Structure Code for each task.

    Thoroughly created a WBS which contains Work Breakdown Structure Code for each task.

    2d. Create a WBS which presents a duration estimate for each task which results in a duration estimate for the project not to exceed the requirements described in the overview.

    Weight: 20%

    Did not submit or incompletely created a WBS which presents a duration estimate for each task which results in a duration estimate for the project not to exceed the requirements described in the overview.

    Partially created a WBS whichpresents a duration estimate for each task which results in a duration estimate for the project not to exceed the requirements described in the overview.

    Satisfactorily created a WBS which presents a duration estimate for each task which results in a duration estimate for the project not to exceed the requirements described in the overview.

    Thoroughly created a WBS whichpresents a duration estimate for each task which results in a duration estimate for the project not to exceed the requirements described in the overview.

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