Discussion 2: Special Considerations for Oncology and Organ Transplant Patients

Oncology and organ transplant patients need continuous, long-term care. Compared with healthier patient populations, they are more fragile and require more highly individualized care plans. For this Discussion, you explore special considerations when assessing, diagnosing, and treating these patients.

To prepare:

  • Reflect on oncology and organ transplant patients.
  • Think about three special considerations when assessing, diagnosing, and/or treating these patient populations. (Hint: Reflect on differences in care between these populations and healthier populations.)
  • Consider how patient history in these conditions might affect patient education strategies.

Post on or before Day 3 an explanation of three special considerations when assessing, diagnosing, and/or treating oncology and organ transplant patients. Include how patient history in these conditions might affect patient education strategies.

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