Auditing Standards assignment

Assignment Audit Standards

Words count 6000

Assignment Question

Find audit reports of following 3 UK listed companies over the internet:

·         B.P PLC

·         PEARSON PLC

·         Tesco Plc

Then analyze all three companies’ audit reports and test the hypothesis if each company’s audit report’s contents matches with all UK’s audit Standards 2016 available at:

Please strictly follow these instructions:

·         You need to analyze 3 companies mentioned above only.

·         You should not ignore any UK audit standard 2016 to evaluate if company’s audit report follows that specific standard or not.

·         The whole analysis and discussion should be qualitative.

·         Your assignment contents should be as following:

o   Introduction (500 words)

o   Analysis Method (800 words) i.e. Sample Size, Research Type, Research Scope, Research Tools, Research Hypothesis etc.

o   Analysis of all three companies audit reports (4000 words)

o   Conclusion (700 words)

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