Criminology in the Future Paper

Resource: Victims’ compensation websites in your state (South Carolina).

Resource: Criminology in the 21st Century:

  • Criminology Interviews: Director and Chief of Victimization Stats
  • Terrorism: A Study in Public Safety

Resource: Films on Demand videos located in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings:

  • “Advantages and Disadvantages of Surveillance”
  • “What is Biometrics?”

Link to videos:


Resource: research the following

  • U.S. Patriot Act
  • The Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003
  • Homeland Security Act of 2002

Write a 1,750 – 2,100-word paper addressing the following:

  • Future directions of crime fighting and it’s role in social policy implication
  • The potential for specific crime-fighting methodologies, such as using biometrics, implementing cybercrime spyware, or mandating DNA collection programs

Discuss how the evolution of crime fighting may affect social policy from national and international perspectives.

Consider how the evolving technologies relate to national and international policymaking.


Format the paper and presentation consistent with APA guidelines; utilizing in-text citations and references.

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