Write a three to four (3-4) page research paper in which you:Assess the positive and negative effects that peace and war, respectively, have on the distribution of foreign aid in the developing country that you have selected. Support your response with concrete examples of each of the results that you have cited. Analyze the specific actions that the leadership of the selected country has taken, through the use of its foreign aid from donor nations and international lending institutions, to relieve the severe problems caused by warfare.

Assignment 1: The Effects of War and Peace on Foreign Aid
Due Week 4 and worth 200 points
Use the Internet to research one (1) developing nation of your choice. Your research should include an examination of the effects that war and peace have on the distribution of foreign aid, as well as the material covered by the Webtext and lectures in Weeks 1 through 3.
Write a three to four (3-4) page research paper in which you:Assess the positive and negative effects that peace and war, respectively, have on the distribution of foreign aid in the developing country that you have selected. Support your response with concrete examples of each of the results that you have cited. Analyze the specific actions that the leadership of the selected country has taken, through the use of its foreign aid from donor nations and international lending institutions, to relieve the severe problems caused by warfare.

  1. Discuss whether or not the extension of foreign aid has successfully reduced poverty and the incidence of warfare in the selected country. Support your response with examples.
  2. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia, blogs, and other nonacademic websites do not qualify as academic resources. Approval of resources is at the instructor’s discretion. Resources must also be within the last seven (7) years.

1. __________ theories hold that certain actions or practices are inherently right or wrong. (Points: 5) Consequentialist Utilitarian Deontological Ethical

1. __________ theories hold that certain actions or practices are inherently right or wrong. (Points: 5)
2. According to the textbook, all of the following are true about a person’s possible opposition to technological violations of natural orders EXCEPT: (Points: 5)
they are sometimes based on concern about long-term consequences of intervention.
they can be based on religious beliefs.
they often stem from the longevity of a particular practice.
they stem from a lack of education.
3. Ethical conflict over cases of cross-border and multigenerational pollution is an example of a dispute relating to: (Points: 5)
violations of established world orders.
violations of supposedly exceptionless principles.
distribution of science- or technology-related benefits.
exposure to significant harm without prior consent.
4. Sometimes the availability of technological advances causes individuals to experience conflicts concerning their cherished values. Examples of these conflicts discussed in your textbook include all of the following EXCEPT: (Points: 5)
the right to the pursuit of happiness.
death with dignity.
right to privacy.
human life preservation.
5. A large number of individual acts of negligible adverse impact can result in substantial harm when considered in total. These outcomes are referred to as: (Points: 5)
public harms of aggregation.
conflicts between individual and social justice.
practitioner problems.
problems of “positive” rights.
6. _________arise primarily inside the spheres of science and technology. (Points: 5)
Science- or technologically-precipitated value conflicts
Science- or technology-engendered “positive rights”
Practitioner problems
Problems of public aggregation
7. Ethical problems related to __________ indicate that freedom of scientific inquiry is not an absolute, unconditional, inviolable right. (Points: 5)
distributive justices
consideration of long-term effects
fraud and misrepresentation
8. The text suggests that, ultimately, science- or technology-related courses of action should be granted ethical approval ONLY if: (Points: 5)
the expected benefits of an action outweigh its expected costs.
projected outcomes yield at least as large a surplus of beneficial consequences over harmful consequences as that of any available alternative.
the action will make everyone better off, and yield the greatest benefit to those currently in worst positions.
the projected harmful consequences are below a set quantitative threshold and are greatly outweighed by their positive counterparts.
9. Paul Alcorn maintains that the distinction between human and animal manipulation of the natural environment to create artifacts is: (Points: 5)
the ethical application of technology.
creativity and adaptation.
10. According to Paul Alcorn, technology is all of the following EXCEPT: (Points: 5)
a whole collection of methodology and artificial constructs created by human beings to increase their probability of survival.
essentially a means of manipulating natural laws to our benefit by constructing objects and methodology that increases our efficiency and reduces waste in our lives.
a way to increase our standard of living by generating more income.
is represented by artifacts that are manufactured for specific use.
11. __________ is the resistance to changes in our culture that extends to any technological device that may come along; because of this resistance, the passage of time is necessary before a new technology will filter throughout society. (Points: 5)
Psychological trauma
12. Becasue of __________ some of the elements of a system cannot be seen but can affect the operation of a system; this is important because we must realize that what can’t be seen can still cause harm. (Points: 5)
ignorance and mistaken hypotheses
13. According to Tim Healy, the Internet is an example of the unanticipated consequences of technology because: (Points: 5)
its impact on human behavior is predictable.
the ramifications of its influence are negligible.
its influence on all humans throughout the 21st century is still unknown.
its use is not consistent throughout the world.
14. Which of the following does Healy conclude about the unanticipated consequences of technology? (Points: 5)
Life is not as complex as we like to think it is.
Uncertainty cannot be reduced because there is no way to predict the future.
Only significant actions have unanticipated consequences.
15. About _____ % of processed food that is produced in the United States contains some genetically modified ingredients. (Points: 5)
motivational “sticks and carrots”.
16. According to your textbook, the first genetically modified food was produced: (Points: 5)
8,000 years ago.
in 1994.
in 2004.
in 2005.
17. Which of the following is NOT a risk of genetically modified foods listed by your textbook? (Points: 5)
Economic loss by small-scale farmers
Economic loss due to longer shelf life of some products
Inadvertent death in humans
Loss of public trust due to lack of labeling
18. Individuals might blow the whistle if they believe: (Points: 5)
their company is breaking the law.
their company is involved in acts that are financially profitable but morally wrong.
the actions of the company are potentially dangerous.
All of the above
19. Which of the following statements is FALSE? (Points: 5)
Whistle-blowing often occurs when an individual believes that decision making by a company or the government may be breaking the law.
Ethics codes are often too broad to capture the ethical issues that confront companies.
Ethical behavior inevitably produces an economic cost to a firm.
Whistle-blowers often come from senior positions, since these are the people who have the most control over or have the most knowledge about what is occurring within the corporation.
20. It is believed that the Challenger explosion could have been prevented if: (Points: 5)
the crew inside the Challenger had received more training prior to the mission.
if the management team had ignored Boisjoly.
if the seal had leaked.
the Challenger was sent into space at warmer temperatures.

In the field of communication studies, many (perhaps all) key concepts are interrelated in some way. Sometimes, those connections are direct and explicit, other times they are more indirect and implicit. Of the three concepts you mentioned above, use your knowledge and imagination to describe some of the possible interrelationships among these three concepts.

In the field of communication studies, many (perhaps all) key concepts are interrelated in some way. Sometimes, those connections are direct and explicit, other times they are more indirect and implicit. Of the three concepts you mentioned above, use your knowledge and imagination to describe some of the possible interrelationships among these three concepts. What connections can you identify among these three concepts? How do they relate to one another? Are there certain communication contexts where all three concepts become very relevant?  How might you use these three concepts in your everyday life for the purposes of improving your communication with other people?
Requirements for this question:

  • 500 words minimum
  • 3 references to the readings minimum (including page number)
  • worth 20 pts

In the field of communication studies, many (perhaps all) key concepts are interrelated in some way. Sometimes, those connections are direct and explicit, other times they are more indirect and implicit. Of the three concepts you mentioned above, use your knowledge and imagination to describe some of the possible interrelationships among these three concepts.

In the field of communication studies, many (perhaps all) key concepts are interrelated in some way. Sometimes, those connections are direct and explicit, other times they are more indirect and implicit. Of the three concepts you mentioned above, use your knowledge and imagination to describe some of the possible interrelationships among these three concepts. What connections can you identify among these three concepts? How do they relate to one another? Are there certain communication contexts where all three concepts become very relevant?  How might you use these three concepts in your everyday life for the purposes of improving your communication with other people?
Requirements for this question:

  • 500 words minimum
  • 3 references to the readings minimum (including page number)
  • worth 20 pts

Choose three concepts, from three different modules, that you consider to be particularly important and/or interesting. Explain each concept using your own examples and references to the readings, and explain why each concept stands out to you as being particularly important/interesting.

Choose three concepts, from three different modules, that you consider to be particularly important and/or interesting. Explain each concept using your own examples and references to the readings, and explain why each concept stands out to you as being particularly important/interesting.
Requirements for this question:

  • 250 words minimum
  • 3 references to readings minimum (including page number)
  • worth 10 pts

Explain how communication contributes to physical health and well-being. 2. What are the basic 5 “needs” fulfilled in competent interpersonal communication?  Identify ways that good interpersonal communication can improve personal relationships.

Explain how communication contributes to physical health and well-being. 2. What are the basic 5 “needs” fulfilled in competent interpersonal communication?  Identify ways that good interpersonal communication can improve personal relationships.
4. Define communication competence.
5. Define ethics and discuss the importance of ethical communication.
Chapter Two
1. The United States is sometimes criticized for being as individualistic as it is. What are some positive aspects about growing up in an individualistic culture? In what ways would growing up in a collectivistic culture be better?
2. Are masculinity and femininity different cultures? What are some reasons to think they are?
3. Define ethnocentrism. Have you had any personal experiences with it? Explain.
4. Define the concept of biological sex and differentiate it from gender role.
5. Discuss gender differences in the expression of emotion and note how they differ according to the type of emotion being examined
Chapter Three
1. In what ways has your self-concept changed over the course of your adolescent and adult life? What parts of your self-concept have remained relatively constant?
2. Of the three types of face needs—fellowship face, competence face, autonomy face—which is the most important to you? Under what circumstances do the others become more important?
3. Define self-monitoring and articulate the pros and cons of being a high self-monitor.
4. Discuss the risks of self-disclosure, using concrete examples.
5. Explain how self-esteem is affected by culture and gender.
Chapter Four
1. Identify and explain the three stages of the perception-making process.
2. If we recognize that our perceptions are always limited, what can we do to improve our perception making? How can we make our perceptions less limited?
3. What is the difference between a fact and an interpretation? How can you tell the difference?
4. Define attributions.
5. Explain and give examples of locus, stability, and controllability as characteristics of attributions
Chapter Five
1. Explain the symbolic and arbitrary nature of language.
2. Define the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and explain how it illustrates the connection between language and culture.
3. Define euphemism and explain its purpose in social interaction.
4. What is the process of persuasion? Discuss how you utilize persuasion on a daily basis either at school, work or with your family.
5. Compare and contrast I-statements and you-statements
Chapter Six
1. Define nonverbal communication and distinguish it from verbal communication.
2. Discuss the ways in which nonverbal communication is ever-present in relational interaction.
3. Discuss the various communicative functions of touch.
4. Discuss the two principal interpersonal messages involved in chronemics: value and time.
5. Discuss the importance of touch for human health and development.
Chapter Seven
1. What does it mean to listen? How is it different than merely hearing? In what instances do you hear someone without listening?
2. Explain how listening is a learned skill is.
3. Which type of listening—informational, critical, empathic—do you engage in the most often? Which type do you enjoy the most? Why?
4. How is competitive interrupting a barrier to effective listening?
5. Explain how to improve one’s empathic listening skills.
Chapter Eight
1. Define emotion.
2. Give examples of the physiological, cognitive, social, and behavioral components of emotion.
3. Explain the difference between primary and secondary emotions, and give examples of each.
4. Define and give examples of the emotional contagion effect.
5. Describe why it is important to identify one’s own emotions accurately.
Chapter Nine
1. How strong is your own need to belong? In what ways do you see your need for social relationships influencing the decisions you make (such as where to live, how to spend your free time)?
2. What are the five stages of Knapp’s Stages of Relationship Development? Discuss each stage in detail. 3. Explain how relationship development may vary by individual and culture.
4. Explain the Attraction Theory. Do you agree with its main premise?
5. Explain how dialectical tensions are managed online.