1)On the water simulation, what does the crest (peak) of the wave look like in the top view? What does the trough look like?

1)On the water simulation, what does the crest (peak) of the wave look like in the top view? What does the trough look like?
2)When you add two drips, what changes about the waves’ patterns?
3)What does the wave look like in the area that the two waves constructively interfere? Describe both the top view and what the side view would look like.
4)What does the wave look like in the area that the two waves destructively interfere? Describe both the top view and what the side view would look like.
5)Switch to the sound simulation.
a.What do you think will happen when you put two speakers next to each other?
b.Why do you think this will happen?
c.Try it (putting two speakers together) and tell me what happened.
6)Now switch to the light simulation.
a.What do you think will happen when you put two light sources next to each other?
b.Why do you think this will happen?
c.Try it (putting two light sources together) and tell me what happened.
d.What happens when you use one light source and two slits?
7)What is similar about all three of these simulations (i.e. water, sound & light)?
8)How do I know that these things are waves and not particles? (Think about what would happen in the two slit experiment if they were particles).
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you will describe a procedure for the use of interviewing as a qualitative data collection method. You will create an interview protocol that contains the following required components:

you will describe a procedure for the use of interviewing as a qualitative data collection method. You will create an interview protocol that contains the following required components:
Type of interview with rationale
Narrative Planned location and estimated length of interview process
Plans for the following:
Recording and transcription
Recording of nonverbal cues
Be sure to cite the qualitative scholarly research guide you are using to create your interview protocol using accurate APA format.

Exercise 5.13 On September 8, 2004, the Genesis spacecraft crashed in the Utah desert because its parachute did not open. The 210-kg capsule hit the ground at 311 km/h and penetrated the soil to a depth of 81.0 cm. Part D What force did the ground exert on the capsule during the crash? Express the force as a multiple of the capsule's weight.

Exercise 5.13
On September 8, 2004, the Genesis spacecraft crashed in the Utah desert because its parachute did not open. The 210-kg capsule hit the ground at 311 km/h and penetrated the soil to a depth of 81.0 cm.
Part D
What force did the ground exert on the capsule during the crash? Express the force as a multiple of the capsule’s weight.
Exercise 5.31
You are lowering two boxes, one on top of the other, down the ramp shown in the figure (Figure 1) by pulling on a rope parallel to the surface of the ramp. Both boxes move together at a constant speed of 12.0cm/s . The coefficient of kinetic friction between the ramp and the lower box is 0.500, and the coefficient of static friction between the two boxes is 0.783.
Part A
What force do you need to exert to accomplish this?
T =
Exercise 5.54
A bowling ball weighing 70.6N is attached to the ceiling by a rope of length 3.81m . The ball is pulled to one side and released; it then swings back and forth as a pendulum. As the rope swings through the vertical, the speed of the bowling ball is 4.30m/s .
Part A
What is the acceleration of the bowling ball, in magnitude and direction, at this instant?
Part B
What is the tension in the rope at this instant?
Problem 5.72
Block A in the figure (Figure 1) weighs 68.2N . The coefficient of static friction between the block and the surface on which it rests is 0.29. The weight w is 10.1N and the system is in equilibrium.
Exercise 6.5
A 75.0-kg painter climbs a ladder that is 2.71mlong leaning against a vertical wall. The ladder makes an 26.0∘ angle with the wall.
Part A
How much work does gravity do on the painter?
W =
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Part B
Does the answer to part A depend on whether the painter climbs at constant speed or accelerates up the ladder?
Does the answer to part A depend on whether the painter climbs at constant speed or accelerates up the ladder?
Exercise 6.8
A loaded grocery cart is rolling across a parking lot in a strong wind. You apply a constant force F⃗ =( 29N )i^−( 35N )j^ to the cart as it undergoes a displacement s⃗ =(− 8.8m )i^−(3.7m )j^.
Part A
How much work does the force you apply do on the grocery cart?
Express your answer using three significant figures.
Exercise 6.14
A 1.50kg book is sliding along a rough horizontal surface. At point A it is moving at 3.21m/s , and at point B it has slowed to 1.25m/s .
Part A
How much work was done on the book between A and B?
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Part B
If -0.750J of work is done on the book from B to C, how fast is it moving at point C?
vC =
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Part C
How fast would it be moving at C if 0.750J of work were done on it from B to C?
vC =
Exercise 6.20
You throw a 20-N rock vertically into the air from ground level. You observe that when it is a height 16.0m above the ground, it is traveling at a speed of 25.9m/s upward.
Part A
Use the work-energy theorem to find its speed just as it left the ground.
v0 =
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Part B
Use the work-energy theorem to find its maximum height.
h =
Exercise 6.52
A 20.0-kg rock is sliding on a rough, horizontal surface at 8.00 m/s and eventually stops due to friction. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the rock and the surface is 0.200.
Part A
What average thermal power is produced as the rock stops?
P =
Exercise 6.37
A 5.0-kg box moving at 4.0m/s on a horizontal, frictionless surface runs into a light spring of force constant 50N/cm .
Part A
Use the work-energy theorem to find the maximum compression of the spring.
Express your answer using two significant figures.
x =
Problem 6.77
A block of ice with mass 6.30kg is initially at rest on a frictionless, horizontal surface. A worker then applies a horizontal force F⃗ to it. As a result, the block moves along the x-axis such that its position as a function of time is given by x(t)=αt2+βt3, where α = 0.200m/s2 and β= 2.09×10−2m/s3 .
Part A
Calculate the velocity of the object at time t = 3.60s .
Express your answer to three significant figures.
v =
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Part B
Calculate the magnitude of F⃗ at time t = 3.60s .
Express your answer to three significant figures.
F =
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Part C
Calculate the work done by the force F⃗ during the first time interval of 3.60s of the motion.
Express your answer to three significant figures.
W =

The world speed record on water was set october 8,1978 by Ken Warby of Blowering Dam,Australia. If Ken drove his motorboat a distance of 1000. m in 7.045 s, how fast was his boat moving a) in m/s? b) in mi/h?

The world speed record on water was set october 8,1978 by Ken Warby of Blowering Dam,Australia. If Ken drove his motorboat a distance of 1000. m in 7.045 s, how fast was his boat moving a) in m/s? b) in mi/h?
The Italian restaurant across the street closes at 9 pm but the one two blocks away closes at 10 pm. 7. Bob bought a new blue shirt with a golf club on the back for twenty dollars. 8. For the past two days, the clouds have come out at 3 pm and it has started raining at 3:15 pm. 9. George did not sleep at all last night because he was up finishing his paper. 10. Ice cream melts faster on a warm summer day than on a cold winter day. 11. How can you apply the scienfic method to an everyday problem? Give one example.

1- A muon (an elementary particle) enters a region with a speed of 5.34 × 106 m/s and then is slowed at the rate of 2.16 × 1014 m/s2. How far does the muon take to stop?

1- A muon (an elementary particle) enters a region with a speed of 5.34 × 106 m/s and then is slowed at the rate of 2.16 × 1014 m/s2. How far does the muon take to stop?
the tolerance is +/-2%
2-The brakes on your automobile are capable of creating a deceleration of 4.8 m/s2. If you are going 126 km/h and suddenly see a state trooper, what is the minimum time in which you can get your car under the 90 km/h speed limit? (The answer reveals the futility of braking to keep your high speed from being detected with a radar or laser gun.)
the tolerance is +/-2%
3-In the figure here, a red car and a green car move toward each other in adjacent lanes and parallel to an x axis. At time t = 0, the red car is at xr = 0 and the green car is atxg = 221 m. If the red car has a constant velocity of 22.0 km/h, the cars pass each other at x = 44.0 m. On the other hand, if the red car has a constant velocity of 44.0 km/h, they pass each other at x = 76.4 m. What are (a) the initial velocity and (b) the (constant) acceleration of the green car? Include the signs.
(a) Number
(b) Number
4-A startled armadillo leaps upward, rising 0.530 m in the first 0.218 s. (a) What is its initial speed as it leaves the ground? (b) What is its speed at the height of 0.530 m? (c) How much higher does it go? Use g=9.81 m/s2.
(a) Number
(b) Number
(c) Number
5- Flying Circus of Physics
In a forward punch in karate, the fist begins at rest at the waist and is brought rapidly forward until the arm is fully extended. The speed v(t) of the fist is given in the figure for someone skilled in karate. How far has the fist moved at (a) time t = 50 ms and (b) when the speed of the fist is maximum?
(a) Number
(b) Number

1. A beam of 87Rb atoms is to be slowed down using a Zeeman slower with laser light tuned to the 52s1/2 − 52p3/2 transition with F = 2,mF = 2 → F ′ = 3,mF ′ = 3 (λ=780 nm). The nuclear spin is I = 3/2. The atoms escape from an oven with most probable velocity v0 = 400 m/s. The lifetime of the excited state is 26 ns. (a) Determine the stopping distance L0.

1. A beam of 87Rb atoms is to be slowed down using a Zeeman slower with laser light tuned to the 52s1/2 − 52p3/2 transition with F = 2,mF = 2 → F ′ = 3,mF ′ = 3 (λ=780 nm). The nuclear spin is I = 3/2. The atoms escape from an oven with most probable velocity v0 = 400 m/s. The lifetime of the excited state is 26 ns.
(a) Determine the stopping distance L0.
(b) Calculate the maximum possible scattering force.
(c) Calculate the number of scattering events that takes place during the time the atom slows down.
(d) After Zeeman slowing, the atoms are loaded into an optical molasses. What is the shortest possible damping time in the absence of heating due to fluctuations if the laser intensity is I=0.1 mW/cm2?
(e) Calculate the Doppler cooling limit and the recoil limit temperatures for laser cooling using this transition and wavelength
[15 marks]
2. The treatment of Doppler cooling given in the lectures assumes a two-level atom but in real experiments with the optical molasses technique, or the magneto-optical trap, any hyperfine structure of the ground state causes complications.
(a) The 87-isotope of rubidium has a nuclear spin I=3/2. Draw an energy level diagram of the hyperfine structure of the 52s1/2 and 5
2p3/2 transitions and indicate the allowed electric dipole transitions.
(b) In a laser cooling experiment, the transition 52s1/2, F = 2 to 5 2p3/2, F
′ = 3 is excited by light that has frequency detuning δ = Γ/2. Selection rules dictate that the excited state decays back to the initial state so there is a nearly closed cycle of absorption and spontaneous emission, but there is some off-resonant excitation to the F ′ = 2 hyperfine level which can decay to F = 1 and be ’lost’ from the cycle. The F ′ = 2 level lies about 45Γ below the F ′ = 3 level. Estimate the average number of photons scattered by an atom before it falls into the lower hyperfine level of the ground state configuration. Assume I = ISAT and that the transitions have similar strengths.
(c) To counteract the leakage out of the laser cooling cycle, experiments use an ad- ditional laser beam that excites atoms out of the 52s1/2, F = 1 level so that they eventually decay back to the 52s1/2, F = 2 level. Suggest a suitable transition for this ’re-pumping’ process and comment on the intensity required.
[15 marks]