1. Discuss the process of memory. In particular, discuss the different types of memory and relate each one to a personal experience.

1. Discuss the process of memory. In particular, discuss the different types of memory and relate each one to a personal experience.
2. Discuss the different theories on language acquisition. As our country becomes more multicultural, how can these theories aid our children and/or you in learning a second and perhaps a third language?

1) A rocket moves upward, starting from rest with an acceleration of 29.4 m/s2 for 8.00 s. It runs out of fuel at the end of the 8.00 s but does not stop. How high does it rise above the ground? m

1) A rocket moves upward, starting from rest with an acceleration of 29.4 m/s2 for 8.00 s. It runs out of fuel at the end of the 8.00 s but does not stop. How high does it rise above the ground? m
2) Two students are on a balcony 16.6 m above the street. One student throws a ball vertically downward at 16.7 m/s. At the same instant, the other student throws a ball vertically upward at the same speed. The second ball just misses the balcony on the way down. (Assume the positive direction is upward.) (a) What is the difference in the time the balls spend in the air? s (b) What is the velocity of each ball as it strikes the ground? ball thrown downward m/s ball thrown upward m/s (c) How far apart are the balls 0.800 s after they are thrown? m
3) A small fish is dropped by a pelican that is rising steadily at 0.55 m/s. (Assume the positive direction is upward.) (a) After 3.0 s, what is the velocity of the fish? m/s (b) How far below the pelican is the fish after 3.0 s? m
4) A parachutist descending at a speed of 25.0 m/s loses a shoe at an altitude of 40.0 m. (Assume the positive direction is upward.) (a) When does the shoe reach the ground? s (b) What is the velocity of the shoe just before it hits the ground? m/s
5) A mountain climber stands at the top of a 50.0 m cliff hanging over a calm pool of water. The climber throws two stones vertically 1.1 s apart and observes that they cause a single splash when they hit the water. The first stone has an initial velocity of 2 m/s. (Assume the positive direction is upward.) (a) How long after release of the first stone will the two stones hit the water? s (b) What is the initial velocity of the second stone when it is thrown? m/s (c) What will the velocity of each stone be at the instant both stones hit the water? first stone m/s second stone m/s
6) A model rocket is launched straight upward with an initial speed of 60.0 m/s. It accelerates with a constant upward acceleration of 6.0 m/s2 until its engines stop at an altitude of 150 m. (a) What is the maximum height reached by the rocket? m (b) How long into the flight does the rocket reach maximum height? s (c) How long is the rocket in the air? s

1) In the standing broad jump, one squats and then pushes off with the legs to see how far one can jump. Suppose the extension of the legs from the crouch position is 0.85 m and the acceleration achieved during the time the jumper is extending their legs is 1.2 times the acceleration due to gravity, g . d = 0.85 m a = 1.2 times How far can they jump in meters? Assume the person leaves at an angle of 45° and on level ground.

1) In the standing broad jump, one squats and then pushes off with the legs to see how far one can jump. Suppose the extension of the legs from the crouch position is 0.85 m and the acceleration achieved during the time the jumper is extending their legs is 1.2 times the acceleration due to gravity, g .
d = 0.85 m
a = 1.2 times
How far can they jump in meters? Assume the person leaves at an angle of 45° and on level ground.
An express train passes through a station. It enters with an initial velocity of 20.5 m/s and decelerates at a rate of 0.14 m/s2 as it goes through. The station is 202 m long.
v = 20.5 m/s
a = 0.14 m/s2
l = 202 m
l1 = 122 m
How long is the nose of the train in the station in seconds?Part (b) How fast is it going when the nose leaves the station in m/s?
> Part (c) If the train is 122 m long, when does the end of the train leave the station?
> Part (d) What is the velocity of the end of the train as it leaves in m/s?
Suppose a soccer player kicks the ball from a distance 21.5 m toward the goal.
d = 21.5 m
Find the initial speed of the ball if it just passes over the goal, 2.4 m above the ground, given the intitial direction to be 40° above the horizontal.

1. A person claiming to have paranormal powers states that she can predict which card will come up next in a shuffled deck of cards simply by exercising her mental powers. Is this a testable claim? Explain.

1. A person claiming to have paranormal powers states that she can predict which card will come up next in a shuffled deck of cards simply by exercising her mental powers. Is this a testable claim? Explain.
2.What are the primary advantages of the metric system of units over the older English system of units? Explain.
3. A pirate map indicates that a treasure is buried 50 paces due east and 120 paces due north of a big rock. Will you know where to dig? Explain.
4. A man uses his hand to measure the width of a tabletop. If his hand has a width of 12 cm at its widest point, and he finds the tabletop to be 10.5 hands wide, what is the width of the tabletop in cm? In meters?
5. A common speed limit in Vancouver, British Columbia, is 80 km/hr. If you are going 55 MPH, are you speeding? Show by converting 55 MPH to km/h using the conversion factors on the inside front cover.
6. A tortoise and a hare cover the same distance in a race. The hare goes very fast for brief intervals, but stops frequently, whereas the tortoise plods along steadily and finishes the race ahead of the hare.
a. Which of the two racers has the greater average speed over the duration of the race? Explain.
b. Which of the two racers is likely to reach the greatest instantaneous speed during the race? Explain.
7. A car traveling with constant speed rounds a curve in the highway. Is the acceleration of the car equal to zero in this situation? Explain.
8. In the graph shown here, velocity is plotted as a function of time for an object traveling in a straight line.
a. Is the velocity constant for any time interval shown? Explain.
b. b. During which time interval shown does the object have the greatest acceleration. Explain.
9. Suppose that two runners run a 100-meter dash, but the first runner reaches maximum speed more quickly than the second runner. Both runners maintain constant speed once they have reached their maximum speed and cross the finish line at the same time. Which runner has the larger maximum speed? Explain.
10. A car travels with an average speed of 22 m/s.
a. What is this speed in km/s?
b.b. What is this speed in km/h?
11. A runner traveling with an initial velocity of 2.0 m/s accelerates at a constant rate of 1.2 m/s2 for a time of 2 seconds.
a. What is his velocity at the end of this time?
b. What distance does the runner cover during this process?
12. Starting from rest, a car accelerates at a constant rate of 3.0 m/s2 for a time of 5 seconds.
a. Compute the velocity of the car at 1 s, 2 s, 3 s, 4 s, and 5 s and plot these velocity values against time.
b. b. Compute the distance traveled by the car for these same time and plot the distance values against time.

If you push a lawn mower across a yard in 10 seconds, how does the work done compare with pushing it across the same yard in 20 seconds? Explain why.

If you push a lawn mower across a yard in 10 seconds, how does the work done compare with pushing it across the same yard in 20 seconds? Explain why.
How does the power for 10 seconds compare to the power for 20 seconds?
How many kilometers per liter will a car obtain if its engine is 25 percent efficient and it encounters an average force of 1000 Newtons? Assume the energy content of gasoline is 40,000,000 joules per liter (J/L).

For this project piece, use a computer simulation to measure the characteristics of a sample of stars and then organize your data into a Hertzspung-Russel diagram.

For this project piece, use a computer simulation to measure the characteristics of a sample of stars and then organize your data into a Hertzspung-Russel diagram.
Measuring and Classifying Stars
Module 04 – Measuring and Classifying Stars
The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is an important tool in the classification of stars and the understanding stellar evolution. The H-R diagram was discovered independently by two astronomers in early 20th century using observations of star luminosity and surface temperature. With this lab exercise, you will use Stellarium to collect stellar information and then form your own H-R diagram and see if you can find how stars are group into different luminosity classes.
Background Question – Describe the four major groups of stars and where they are located on the H-R diagram.
Object: Explain the purpose of this laboratory assignment in your own words. What do you think you will accomplish or learn from this exercise?
Hypothesis: Write a simple hypothesis connected to different stars and the H-R diagram that you will be able to test up the Stellarium software (for example, most bright stars visible in the night are supergiants)
Open the Stellarium software. Open the Sky and Viewing options window (F4). Under the “Sky” tab, uncheck the Atmosphere and Dynamic eye adaption.
Select the Landscape tab and uncheck “Show ground”.
For this lab, you will need to record the spectral class and absolute magnitude of a group of near stars and a group of the brightest stars in the night sky. For each star, open the Search window (F3) and enter the star’s name. Click on the star and look at the displayed information at the upper right. Record the star’s spectral class and absolute magnitude in the chart. Some information has already been include in the chart.
Repeat step 3 for each of the stars on the list.
Plot each of your stars on the H-R diagram below. Denote each star by their listed star number and mark the nearest in red and the brightest stars in blue.
Using the H-R diagrams in Chapter 12 as a reference, mark out where the main sequence line, giant branch, supergiants branch, and white dwarfs region would be on your H-R diagram.
Q1: Based on the location of the Sun on your H-R diagram, what luminosity group (main sequence, giant, supergiant, or white dwarf) does the Sun belong to?
Q2: What stars did you find to be supergiants?
Q3: What luminosity group and spectral classes are most nearby stars?
Q4: What luminosity groups and spectral classes do most of the bright stars belong to?
Q5: Is there any part of the H-R diagram that you do not find any stars?
Continue using Stellarium if you need further information to test your individual hypothesis. If you need further direction, please ask your instructor.
Conclusion: In 1-2 paragraphs, explain if your observations and data support or conflict with your hypothesis and if you have met your assignment objective. Was there any portion of the assignment that was particularly interesting or difficult?
Brightest Stars in the Night Sky
Spectral Class
Absolute Magnitude
Sirius A
Alpha Centauri A
Capella A
Procyon A
Antares A
Nearest Stars
Spectral Class
Absolute Magnitude
Proxima Centauri
Alpha Centauri A
Alpha Centauri B
Barnard’s Star
Wolf 359
Lalande 21185
Sirius A
Sirius B
wd use B1
Epsilon Eri
61 Cyg A
61 Cyg B
Procyon A
Procyon B
wd use A6